✴C H A P T E R T H R E E✴

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What you Deserve..
Chapter Three

"I won't just conform, No matter how you shake my core 'Cause my roots, they run deep, oh Oh, ye of so little faith. Don't doubt it, don't doubt it, Victory is in my veins I know it, I know it. And I will not negotiate I'll fight it, I'll fight it I will transform"

Rise by Katy Perry filled Symphani ear as she jogged up the hill. Every weekend Symphani jogged and ran around town just for some excise. Sometimes she would go down to the dance studio that's on 4 5th avenue and practice dance but today she felt like running. Going to the gym, running and dancing kept Sym at ease with herself.

Symphani was seven years old when she first started dancing. She lived in a group home in Pensacola when she was walking down the street and seen a group of boys dancing. She studied their dance and saw it was something she wanted to do. First she started off with Hip hop and after watching videos she taught herself how to ballet dance, jazz dance and etc.

Standing on the hill Sym wiped the sweat off her face and put her hand on her hips.

"10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.." counting down to one Symphani started back running again.

Making it to her apartments the infamous Brentwood she walked towards her building to see her best friend sitting on the steps.

"Why didn't you call me? I would've hurried up and got home if I knew you was going to be waiting for me" Symphani said taking out her Bluetooth headset as she grabbed her key from out the flower pot and opened the door.

"I wasn't waiting that long Gotti just dropped me off I figured you'd be back soon" Imani said grabbing her duffle bag as she followed Sym into her house.

Chris or Gotti as everyone calls him has been friends with Isis since he started working with Prime and Isis trusts him

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Chris or Gotti as everyone calls him has been friends with Isis since he started working with Prime and Isis trusts him. Gotti and Isis both started working for Prime at the same time so he put them as partners and they fed off each other some thing Isis was good at that Gotti wasn't and vice versa they helped each other. One day they was sent on a mission to get prime money back when a bulldog caught Isis foot as they were jumping over fences. Gotti could've keep running because the police wasn't too far behind them but he didn't he helped Isis break free from the gate and the dog and from that day on they have been best friends. Although Isis trusted Gotti he always has his eyes open because he has learned you can't trust everybody all the time sometimes not even you own mother.

Gotti also was Imani off and on boyfriend. They been together for four years but Gotti cheated on her so they've been on a little break. Isis know that but he told them when they first got together he didn't have a opinion on everything that happens in their relationship and keep him out of it but trust him and gotti had a long conversation when Imani went to him crying. Isis threaten to cut off his penis and sew it on his forehead if he made his sister cry again.

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