✴C H A P T E R F I F T E E N✴

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What you Deserve..
Chapter Fifteen

Pulling up one of the chairs to Symphani hospital bed, Isis grabbed her hand. Sighing he let the tear fall from his eyes, Isis heart broke seeing his baby all beat up and helpless like this. Sym had a bruised up face, a few broken ribs, a spiraled wrist, a broken pinky, and a concussion.

"Hey Symphani, ion know if you can hear me or not but just know I'm here. I'm here right by your side and I'm not going any where okay? Okay" Isis said shaking his head then kissed her hand.

For the next fourteen days Symphani was still in the mild coma she slipped into a week ago. Her back eyes and bruised cheek was healing and also her pinky and wrist. Isaiah didn't leave the hospital for the first week but he had a business to run and he had heads to cut so he had to leave but always came back right after he was done.

Visiting hours were over at 6 but with Isis having the power he had, he stayed over night.

"Hey, can you tell me what room Symphani Santana is in?" Game asked the lady at the front desk.

"What's your relationship with Ms. Santana?" The lady asked and he looked back at his boys that followed him in the hospital.

"She's just a friend"

"Sorry she can only have visitors that are family and her boyfriend said she doesn't have any family"

"How about now?" He asked slipping a 100 dollar bill over the counter.

"Room 413 she was moved up"

"Thanks" Game said winking at the lady and they made their way to the elevator.

"Y'all stayed down here, ill go up by myself." Game said taking the bouquet of flowers he brought for Symphani out one of his boys hands.

"You sure Boss?"

"Yeah I'm sure" Getting on the elevator he went all the way up to the fourth floor and made his way to Symphani room. Gasping when she seen Game come in the room Bree stood up and crossed her arms.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just came to see how she's doing" Game said sitting down the flowers with the get well card attacked to it.

"She's fine, she slipped into a coma but she's fine the doctors say she should wake up soon."

"Ight, that's good to hear."

"Look I think that's real sweet you came by, brought some beautiful flowers and every thing but you should leave before her boyfriend gets here Cuz, he will blow a casket"

"What-" Game started to say before Isis and Chris came in with some food. When Isis seen a glimpse of Game, he instantly saw red.

"Why the fuck are you here bruh?"

"Ooh you must be the boyfriend she was talking about?"


"It's a shame she with your broke ass when a real nigga right here" Game said and Isis jaw clenched.

"Broke? nigga you wish. we all know who run New Orleans and nigga it ain't you. Don't play yourself, goofy ass nigga I will body you" Isis said sitting the food down and pulling up his pants ready to square up with Game.

"I think you should go" Bree said to Game.

"Alright I'm out. Tell your girl she need to stop playing with a bitch ass nigga like you and get with a real nigga" Game said as he walked to the door and held up his gang sign.

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