✴C H A P T E R S I X✴

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What you deserve..
Chapter Six


Its now August 1 0th three months later. Me and Imani was in one of the hair dressers downtown getting our hair done because we had plans with the boys tonight. Around 6 we are going to Backstreet Cultural Museum, next we are going to dinner, then we are going to finish off the night on Bourbon street. You could say it was a double date but me and Isis are not dating. Mani says were Secret dating but were not.

For the past two months Isis was been treating me like a queen. He makes me feel so special all the time and takes me on a lot of "dates". Everything Lance used to do but Isis makes me feel way better than lance could ever make me feel. He makes me feel like I can trust him and he doesn't just want something for me because he not that type of person. When Isis treats me like a queen he says that's what you deserve and I don't exactly know what that means but what ever it means I'm loving it. I haven't necessarily put my guard down but I'm trying to because I really like him and I can see myself with him in the future. Just not right now.

"We should go to Pêche Seafood Grill" Imani suggested playing in her new closure sew in. I usually get closures but today I was getting a 1 3x6 2 2 inch Brazilian lace front.

"You know it doesn't matter to me"

"Where y'all going?" Kelo the girl that was doing my hair asked. Kelo was the girl that I go to all the time to get my hair done. She did the best sew in and wasn't too high.

"Out with our fellas" Imani said smiling and I rolled my eyes.

"You and Gotti back together?"

"We never broke up baby"

"Oh okay who you go out with Sym?"

"Isis" Imani answered for me knowing she was lying.

"Your brother Isis?"


"Sym you go out with Isis?" Loud Mouth Erica asked making a couple ladies in the hair salon to look at me.


"Yep that's her boo thang" Imani said cutting me off and I gave her a look. And she sent me one back kinda telling me to go with it. So I just did.

For the rest of the time at the hair salon I listened to Erica and Kelo go on and on about how I was lucky to have him and how I Betta watch out for all the thirsty boards that threw themselves at him. That made me think would I have to go through all of that if we really were together? I'm not a violent person I wouldn't know what to do in that kinda situation.

I know Isis is a huge drug lord in New Orleans and I know that comes with a lot of baggage. Baggage I'm not sure I can deal with. Hell I got a lot of baggage myself I'm not really sure if I can deal with all that. But I really care about Isaiah and I wanna be down for him so I guess I'll have to adjust to all that and I'm with that. I just wanna be down for someone for once in my life who's down for me and if Isaiah is that someone then I'm down with it.

. . . .

After spending an hour at Backstreet Cultural Museum we made our way to Pêche Seafood Grill. Isis parked his Mansory Bentley Continental GT outside the restaurant as Gotti Ferrari pulled up beside it.

Checking my make up in the mirror I heard Isis chuckling beside me.

"You still look beautiful Ma"

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