✴C H A P T E R T W E N T Y.✴

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What you Deserve..
Chapter Twenty


For the next following week me and Isis didn't communicate much. He didn't sleep in the same bed as me and he was always gone by the time I woke up. Yeah he called to check up on me or called to tell me he was coming home late but other then that no communication at all.

I spent this whole week with Imani to help her with the wedding plans. She wanted a big wedding but yet she didn't. It was going to be a medium size wedding because Chris didn't have a lot of family and because of who Chris is you can't invite a lot of people. I was really happy for Chris and Imani but right now I wasn't in the mood to go look at centerpieces or wedding dresses but I sucked it up for my best friend.

"Welcome" The lady announced as we walked into the bridal dress place. Imani had her auntie Brenda, Kehlani, Carla and two of her close friends Tirana and Kyesha come with us.

"What can I assist you ladies with today?"

"We are here because I'm looking for a wedding dress and three Bridesmaid dresses. We've tried two places already hopefully this one is a winner and the cost doesn't matter, I just want a dress that fits me and makes me feel like a Queen."

"Okay, how about you ladies give me a second and I'll have someone come and assist your needs."

"What's up with you Sym?"
I turned around to Imani asking me and I just shrugged. We all spilt up to find some dresses we thought Imani would like and I was kinda hanging in the back.

"Nothing...nothing I'm good"

"No your not, I can see it in your face. Talk to me best friend"

"Nothing Imani let's find some dresses" I said picking up the dress I had been staring at the whole time but she snatched it out my hand.

"Symphani! Seriously tell me."

"Okay fine! Well, I'm pregnant two months to be exact."

"And That's awesome why aren't you happy?"

"The doctor told me if I was to continue the pregnancy it would be a chance me or my baby wouldn't make it because of my previous lost pregnancies. I don't wanna take that chance I don't think I can handle that. And Isis doesn't understand that, what If I go through with having the baby and I die huh? Then what? I don't wanna leave Isis. I really don't. Now don't get me wrong I don't wanna kill my baby either but what am I suppose to do I'm stuck between a wall and a hard place and Isaiah isn't thinking about my feelings in this thing or anything because in a worst case scenario I could die. This baby can die we both can die and he doesn't get that. He doesn't get that and it hurts me I just can't take it" I started to choke up and Imani pulled me into a hug.

"Don't cry Symphani don't cry"

"I'm sorry I really am I don't wanna mess up your day"

"Your not, I want you to be happy with me your my best friend and if your not happy I'm not happy. I just think you and my brother need to sit down and talk about this. Me and Chris got over that abortion I had" She said the last part lowly.

"But he was by your side Isis doesn't want me to have an abortion. He said If I have the abortion I can kiss our relationship good bye and that's not fair to me Imani"

"You both just need to sit down and think about this. This is just another big step in y'all relationship that you guys are going to have to deal with and I know you guys are going to get over it and make a decision you both are happy about. You two are meant for each other and for y'all not to be together is crazy. I've never seen my brother crazy about a girl like he's crazy about you and I know for a fact he'll die for you."

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