✴C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N✴

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What you Deserve..
Chapter Nineteen

Symphani and Isaiah spent the week at Shangri mansion getting to know each other. When the DNA test came back and showed that Shangri was 9 8.9 9% percent Symphani father both of them was beyond happy. Symphani now have a father and brother she didn't know she had. The week they planned in Miami was soon coming to end because they both had to work but Sym used this last day to meet her mom.

Walking into the apartment building with Isis and Shaun the three of them made their way to Lisa apartment. 4 B.

Shaun went in first while Sym and Isis stayed outside.

"Symphani I know you wanted to meet her but now's not really a good time" Shaun said once he came back out the apartment. "She's not in a good state of mine I don't want your feelings to get hurt"

"Shaun, you don't know how long I've wanted to meet her. I need this"

"Okay" He said sighing and opened the door for her to walk in. Inside Lisa apartment it was plain she didn't have a lot of furniture all she had was a coffee table, a sofa and a chair that was up against the window so she could sit there look at the window and smoke like she was doing now. Lisa turned her head and shook her head before looking back at the window putting the cigarette to her mouth.

"We'll be down in the car" Shaun said and Isis gave her a kiss on the forehead before they left the apartment.

Walking closer to Lisa, Symphani stared at her.

"Hi, I'm-"

"I know who you are and I said I didn't wanna see you now you can leave just like they did" Lisa spat out before blowing the smoke out her nose.

"Look I've wanted a very long time to meet you. Now I'm not asking for much, all I'm asking for is for you to talk to me. Don't you think I deserve that much?" Symphani asked but Lisa just stared out the window.

"Why can't you just do that?"

"Because I didn't want you!" Lisa finally said looking at Symphani. "I didn't want you! Okay don't you get it, I gave you up for a fucking reason but if I knew you would get older and look for me I would've had an abortion. Is that what you wanna hear?! I DIDN'T WANT YOU, I DIDN'T WANT YOU THEN AND I DON'T WANT YOU NOW! GET OUT. GET OUT!"

Running out the room with tear gushing out her eyes Symphani ran down the steps.

"What happened?" Isaiah asked as Symphani run in his arms Crying.

"She didn't want me Isaiah I mean, I mean I didn't do anything, I'm a good person Isaiah why doesn't she love me?" Symphani cried on his chest.

"If she doesn't love you Symphani then that's her fault. Your an amazing women, an awesome person and one of the most Beautiful girls I've ever met in my life. She doesn't wanna be in your life? Fuck her because she's the one missing out on your life. You don't need her you have so many people that love and care about you, don't feel discouraged. You found your father isn't that something you've always wanted and you have a older brother some thing you never thought you had. Don't let her ruin you happiness right now" Isaiah said wiping her tears with his thumbs before giving her a kiss on her lips.

"I love you so much Siah"

"I love you too Sym, Let's go home"

.                .                      .              .

One Month Later

Buttoning up her dress and fixing her makeup Symphani looked back up to Isis who was pulling his pants up smirking at her.

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