Chapter 26 - The Nightmare Begins

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I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today. ~ William Allen White

The Nightmare Begins

Daylight broke; the sky was streaked with lovely pinks and yellows as the sun started to rise in the east.

I slowly woke up feeling surprisingly rested and I couldn't remember when I had slept so well. Nor could I recall ever feeling quite so spent and sated as I did after making love with Zak. I stretched beneath the fluffy pile of blankets and sleeping bags on the floor. Zak was not in the makeshift bed anymore but I heard rustling around. I then rose up on my elbow and spotted Zak. I watched him as he added more wood to the fire in the cabins little pipe stove.

He crouched on his haunches, the thick muscles of his back and arms bunching and flexing as he pivoted to place another log in the stove, his smooth skin bathed in the warm amber glow of the firelight. His short black hair was a bed-rumpled mess of glossy spikes that gave him a wilder air than normal, all the more so when he turned his head to glance my way and I was hit with the chiseled angles of his cheekbones and jaw, and the piercing dark blue of his dark-fringed eyes.

He was gorgeous, a hundred times more breathtaking when he was sitting there naked in front of me, his gaze intense and intimate, locked onto mine. My body still hummed with the memory of our passion, the pleasant ache between my legs pulsing a bit warmer for the way he looked at me now, as if he wanted to devour me all over again.

-"The storm over?" I asked, suddenly needing to fill the heated silence.

He gave a brief nod.

-"It stop snowing a couple of hours ago."

-"You've been outside, I see." I said, noting the fresh supply of split logs stacked up beside him.

-"Yeah," he said. "Just came in a minute ago."

I smiled, arching my brows.

-"I hope you didn't go out there like that. It's got to be freezing out here."

He grunted, his sensual mouth curving with wry humor.

-"I don't have any shrinkage issues."

No, this was definitely not a man who'd have the slightest insecurities about his masculinity. Every inch of him was lean, hard, sculpted muscle. At just over six feet, he had the brutal form of a mythical warrior, from the thick, ropey bulk of his shoulders and biceps, to the carved planes of his chest and the washboard abs that tapered to narrow, perfectly cut hips. The rest of him was impressively perfect, as well, and I could testify that he certainly knew what to do with it.

And all his tattoos ... they just gave him that last bit of edge that made me want to explore all of him with my fingers. Zak grinned as though he were used to women admiring him, he stood up from the stove and slowly walked back over to where I was laying in our nest on the floor, he really was totally uninhibited with his nudity, I wish I could say the same about myself.

I laughed softly and shook my head.

-"Does it ever get boring for you?"

He cocked a dark brow as he lay down beside me.


-"Women falling all over you." I said, realizing with a bit of stunned surprise that I didn't exactly like that idea. Hated it, in fact.

He stroked a stray lock of hair out of my face and drew my gaze to his.

-"I only see one woman, and have only seen one since that day we met in the library. And I can assure you, I am anything but bored."

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