Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets

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Dirty Little Secrets

-"I can't believe tomorrow is the big day."

Cathy frowned as she sealed another box with the clear tape. I knelt next to the box and marked it with a fragile label. It contained some of my breakable figurines my father had bought me when I was younger.

-"I'll be glad when it's over, all this packing and preparing has been a pain." I brushed the hair from eyes and glanced up at Cathy. "But I am going to miss you like crazy."

She sniffled and knelt beside me and we both hugged.

-"Life is going to be so boring with you!" She wailed.

I hugged my best friend tighter.

-"We will talk every day, I promise!"

-"Oh my god, are you two crying again?" Nick walked in and deposited a few empty boxes near the door.

We both laughed through our tears as Nick groaned and mumbled something about two insane women. I couldn't help but feel slightly bad for Nick. As my life was finally coming together nicely, his was falling apart. It had been a bit over two months since I had last seen him. He had gone home sick, but when he did get home, the poor guy had found his unsuspecting wife with another man. She had cheated on him for months and Nick had no idea.

I didn't know much more because he had pretty much isolated himself and refused to talk to anyone. So when he had said he was coming down to help me move, both Zak and I had been surprised.

"Where is Zak?" I asked standing up quickly, looking at the open front door.

"He's downstairs on the phone, yelling at the movers." Nick walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer.


"Beats the hell out of me ... He is just worried that shit will go wrong." Nick shrugged, taking a long swig of his beer.

I was finally moving out of Cathy's guest room and after some thought on my part and a little persuasion from Zak, I was moving to his home in Las Vegas. It had been a long almost three months of him and I going back and forth to see each other, but tomorrow I was finally going to move in permanently with him. I felt very anxious and excited all at once, but I had many reasons for feeling those emotions.

I had not seen Zak in almost two weeks. He and the guys had been on an investigation in Utah and afterwards he had to make a stop in Vegas. Nick had come directly from the investigation though, and I was thankful for his help. He had helped me find movers that would take my things to Vegas and he helped me with many of the smaller details I had not thought of, like getting my car to Vegas since we were flying. Nick volunteered to drive my car to Vegas. He had also just gone and picked up Zak from the airport, since I had a meeting earlier with my boss at the library.

I had handed my resignation last month but I was helping them pick out a replacement for me, and once Zak was here, he and I had to go to my mother's and pick up the rest of my things for the movers. I was not looking forward to that.

With a sigh, I sat on the couch and looked around the small apartment that had been my home. So much had changed since I had first come here. I was a very different person that was for sure. When I had come to Cathy's I was just a scared, timid girl who had been in a bad relationship and was unsure on her future. Now I was much more confident and I had some of the most wonderful people in my life. From my best Cathy, to Nick and Aaron who had become more than just friends. They were my family.

Then there was Zak. If anyone would have told me eight months ago that I would have married the lead investigator to Ghost Adventures. The cocky, full-of-himself, stubborn man on television, I would have called them crazy. And if they would have told me I would be happier than I ever been, I would have had them committed. But here I was, the luckiest woman ever. Although I was feeling very anxious to see Zak again. I had some big news ... and I wasn't sure how he was going to take it.

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