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# potatoes - 1 kg

# egg 10 pieces

# fresh tomatoes - 200g

#sardine fish - 2 Pcs

# onion - 1bulb

# white pepper - 1 tsp

# coriander - 1 tsp

# curry - half tsp

# ginger - 1 root

# garlic - 1 clove.

# veg. Oil - 2 tbsp


# wash, peel and wash the potato

# cook in salted water

# cut into moderate cubes, wash and clean the fish, season and cook and flake the fish.

# add veg. Oil in a sauce pan, add chopped onion and allow to sweat, add the finely chopped fresh tomato.

# add the ginger, garlic and curry and season well.

# remove from heat when fried.

# wash and season the egg.

# grease and line the baking tin with foil paper.

# alternatively arrange the sliced potato in the greased foil paper, pour in some beaten eggs, pour in some flaked fish, add some beaten eggs, add the sauce, pour in some beaten eggs and arrange the sliced potato on the top.

# bake in a moderate hot oven for at least 20-30 min.


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