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# 1 (0.6 oz) Cake compressed fresh yeast

# 3 tbsp Warm water (110 degrees F)

# 1 tsp White sugar

# 3 cups Milk

# 3/4 cup Margarine

# 5 Egg yolks

# 3/4 cup White sugar

# 8 cups All purpose flour

# 8 cups Shortening for frying

# 1/4 cup White sugar

Yields 3 dozen


# Smash up yeast in a medium bowl. Add water and 1 teaspoon sugar, and mix until pasty. Set aside. Let it rise until spongy.

# Scald milk with margarine. Cool to lukewarm.

# Beat egg yolks. Add 3/4 cup sugar, and mix thoroughly. Add the cooled scalded milk mixture, and beat until foamy.

# Mix in yeast mixture. Add flour gradually, beating after each addition. Beat until thick and springy. Add flour only as needed to make a soft dough; too much will make hard doughnuts. Cover, and let rise until doubled.

# Shape dough into small balls. Let it rise on floured waxed paper until doubled

# In a deep-fryer, heat shortening to 375 degrees F. Fry until brown. Roll in sugar. Cool.


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