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# flour

# water

# salt

# yeast

# sugar

# onion

# garlic

# tomato

# tin tomato

# mozzarella cheese

# herbs

# black pepper

# olive oil


# mix flour, water, salt, yeast, sugar to form dough then allow proving until doubled in size.

# to make sauce or topping, dice onion and garlic

# add olive oil to a hot pan and pour garlic and onion. Sweat for 10 min on low heat.

# add chopped tomatoes, tin tomatoes, sugar and leave for 20 min for the sauce to cook down.

# bring out dough, roll out on a floured surface, spread sauce, sprinkle some mozzarella cheese, watercress, salt to taste.

# roll in half and pop into oven for 10 mins until cooked. 

# when cooked, sprinkle black pepper, cheese and olive oil.  Enjoy......


DIY COOKERYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon