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1-- Baked custard


# 2 or 3 eggs

# 500ml milk

# sugar - half level tbsp

# nutmeg or vanilla flavoring


# beat the eggs with sugar, add the milk and flavoring.

# strain into a cup or bowl, then pour into a greased pie dish.

# place the fish into a baking tin containing sufficient cold water to come half way up the dish.

# put in a slow oven for 40 - 50 mins.

# the custard must not boil or it will cuddle. Add more cold water during the cooking if necessary.

 Add more cold water during the cooking if necessary

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2-- Boiled custard


# 1 or 2 eggs.

# 1 level tablespoon sugar

# 250ml milk

# vanilla essence


# beat together the eggs, sugar, and a little of the milk

# heat the remaining milk ( do not boil)

# pour gently on the eggs and stir well

# rinse the saucepan and strain the eggs and milk into it.

# return to gentle heat and stir until the custard thickens and coats the back of the spoon

# do not allow it to boil. Add the essence and sugar

# when slightly cooled, pour into a glass dish or individual custard dishes. Or serve as required.

 Or serve as required

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3-- Steamed custard


# 3 eggs

# 250ml milk

# one and a half tbsp of sugar

# 1 tsp vanilla essence


# prepare egg and milk as for baked custard.

# strain into a basin well greased with margarine and cover with greased paper

# steam gently for about half an hour, until the centre is firm.

# allow the custard to stand for a few minutes before turning out.

# allow the custard to stand for a few minutes before turning out

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