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# flour - 500g

# sugar - 50g

# butter - 50g

# milk - 50g

# salt - pinch

# warm water - one and a half cup

# yeast - 1 tbsp

# egg - 1

# flavor - 3 drops


# sieve the flour into a clean bowl

# add all the dry ingredients.

# add butter and mix to a sandy texture.

# make a well in the middle, add in the beaten egg and flavor.

# gradually add the water and mix into a paste.

# return to a floured table, knead until it is smooth and free from sticking and having some traces of bubbles.

# cover and allow to prove for at least 30mins in a warm place.

# return to the working table and knock back.

# divide to even sizes, roll into a long stick.

# butter the baking tray.

# place each stick on the tray gently.

# cover and allow to prove for the second time.

# egg wash and bake in a moderate hot over.

# serve hot with any soup of choice or beverages.


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