Part 1

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-Open's to a big White House on the beach. The waves are crashing. A flash of the night with images of Reagan and Sam pop in. Then the waves again.-

NARRATION (REAGAN): You know what I love? I love the feeling of the warmth of the hot summer days and the cool air from the air conditioning hitting my face both at the same time. I like how they feel when they both hit my face at the same time, dancing to see who will last longer. This particular day, the warm won. It took over my whole body like a virus rushing though all my blood and inhabiting me.

[Reagan puts a duffle bag in the trunk of a car and then hops in the passenger seat.]

Paige: You ready?!

Reagan: As ready as I can be. [Fake smiles]

Paige: Are you really this upset about leaving Nat? I didn't think you'd be crushed.

Reagan: I'm not crushed. I just wish we weren't gone the whole summer.

Paige: You came up with this plan Reagan.

Reagan: I know. Can we just get going, please?

[Paige starts driving. Reagan seems to be distant. She's looking out the window. Paige pulls over.]

Paige: Do you not want to go?

Reagan: Of course I do.

Paige: Then act like it Ray! Nat said he was going to come up as much as he could.

Reagan: You're right. You're right! You know what this trip is about you and me anyway. We've been planning this since we were little kids! I'm sorry, let's get the energy up! [Smiles and turns on the radio.]

[Flashes of the girls trip come up. During the ride, Reagan seems to forget about leaving behind Nat. They pull up to the big white house. Marveled by the size, they run inside.]

Paige: Holy shit this is really nice!

Reagan: I didn't think the house would be this big!

Paige: I'm going upstairs to pick my room. [Runs up the stairs.]

Reagan: Not before me!

[Both girls race to get up the stairs. Both giggling and running around the upstairs to find the best room. Opening and slamming shut the doors. Reagan walk into a room that has a back view of the beach.]

Reagan: Wow... [She slowly walks towards the big window mesmerized by the view.]

Paige: Damn and I thought I picked the best one! [ Reagan snaps out of her trans. They hear the front door open then shut.]

Sam: CADE!

Paige: Who is that?

Reagan: I don't know. Maybe someone who's confused. [The girls go down stairs.]

Paige: Can we help you?

Sam: Oh! You aren't Cade! Ummm...I'm so sorry! I...

Paige: It's okay. I'm Paige, this is Reagan.

Sam: I'm Sam and this is Greg.

Reagan: We aren't Cade but if you want to stay for lunch you're more than welcome to.

Sam: Ummm...sure, Greg?

Greg: Sure.

[Everyone goes to kitchen.]

Paige: So, where are you guys from?

Greg: Boston. What about you guys?

Reagan: Fairfield. How long are you staying?

Sam: All summer thank God.

Paige: Us too!

Greg: We should hang out then. It's alway nice having friends besides this kid. [Paige and Greg keep eye contact]

Sam: We've known each other for a while.

Reagan: I can tell. Paige and I are the same way.

Sam: Oh yeah?

Reagan: Mmmhmmm.

Sam: Why don't we let them have their privacy.

Reagan: That sounds like a good idea.

[Both move to living room]

Sam: So, when did you get here?

Reagan: Not too long ago. A few minutes ago.

Sam: Nothing says Hello like a stranger walking into your door huh?

Reagan: Nothing can beat that. [Reagan laughs.]

Sam: How are you staying in this big house for the whole summer. Not to be rude but it seems kind of pricey.

Reagan: Paige and I have jobs in town.

Sam: Where?

Reagan: A store called My Little Boutique.

Sam: Hopefully Paige will have time to spend with Greg.

Reagan: What do you mean?

Sam: Look.

[Reagan turns to see Paige kissing Greg.]

Reagan: I won't hear the end of this tonight.

Sam: Well if you need someone else to talk to you can call me.

Reagan: I'll go get my phone so you can add your number.

Sam: Sounds like a plan.

[Reagan runs up to get her phone. Returns shortly and catches Sam looking at Paige and Greg.]

Reagan: I'm back.

[Sam put his number in.]

Sam: Well there you go Ms. Reagan. We should uh...get going. We were heading to the beach if you want to come.

Reagan: Oh, I don't know. I mean we just got here and all.

Sam: Then what about tonight?

Reagan: I'll talk to Paige. I think she will be okay with it though.

Sam: Text me when you figure it out. I hope to see you soon. Greg, we should get going.

[Greg gives Paige one more kiss and a writes his number on her arm. Both boys leave.]

Paige: Greg! Ugh! I can't get enough of him. He is so cute, and funny, and a good kisser!

Reagan: Paige, you just met him.

Paige: Don't act like you weren't in the least bit attracted to Sam!

Reagan: Hey remember that kid his name is....God, I think it is Nat and he is my boyfriend! Remember?

Paige: Oh right. Can we hang out with them tonight? I overheard your conversation with Sam.

Reagan: You don't want to seem eager. Blow it off and we will see them tomorrow.

Paige: What if we don't see them tomorrow?

Reagan: We will, trust me.

Paige: How do you know?

Reagan: Why don't you trust me?

Paige: I do, I just really want to see Greg!

Reagan: And you will if you just trust me!

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