Part 11

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[It's morning. Reagan is just waking up and going into the kitchen. Paige is sitting at the table.]

Paige: Morning Mrs.Gale.

Reagan: Mrs.Gale?

Paige: Yes since you are now officially done with Nathaniel, aren't you with Sam?

Reagan: I guess so. It's too early for those kinds of questions.

Paige: Do you know what you guys are doing tonight?

Reagan: No, and I don't want to. I want it to be a complete surprise!

Paige: Since when do you like surprises?

Reagan: Since yesterday.

Paige: Right.

Reagan: Leave me be!

[Reagan's phone starts to ring.]

Reagan: Hello?

Sam: Hi sleepy head.

Reagan: Hello.

Sam: Does eight sound okay?

Reagan: For what?

Sam: Our date. I know you've been waiting to hear from me about it. I also know you were up all night thinking about it.

Reagan: Stay that cocky and you won't have a date, Romeo.

Sam: Right. But eight is good?

Reagan: Yeah eight is fine.

Sam: Okay I'll see you then.

Paige: I wonder what you guys are gonna do.

Reagan: Same.

Paige: In the mean time can we go to the beach? I'm getting paler from being inside so much!

Reagan: Sure. Go get ready.

[Reagan goes into her room to change. Her phone rings again and this time the number is unknown.]

Reagan: Hello?

Joe: Hi, it's Joe.

Reagan: Oh hi.

Joe: What are you doing today? I was thinking that maybe we could go to lunch or go to the beach or something.

Reagan: I'm actually going on a date. With Sam.

Joe: So you are dating Sam?

Reagan: It happened last night we cleared everything up.

Joe: Oh okay. Well, maybe I will see you at a party soon...or something.

Reagan: Hopefully. I'm sorry Joe.

Joe: Me too. See you around Reagan.

Reagan: Bye Joe.

[Paige knocks on door.]

Paige: You ready yet?

Reagan: Yeah. Let's go before all the good spots are taken.

---------------------------------------------------AT BEACH-------------------------------------------------

Paige: I told Greg to come.

Reagan: Okay. That's fine.

Paige: So maybe Sam will come too.

Reagan: He most likely will. They alway travel in a pack.

Paige: Greg!

[Jumps up and kisses him. Sam leans down and surprises Reagan with a kiss.]

Sam: And the alpha male is here.

Reagan: That's the worst opening line you've ever said.

Sam: Well it got your attention didn't it?

Reagan: Mmmmm.

[They kiss again.]

Sam: Let's go. To the water we go.

Reagan: You can't make me go in this time! I mean it!

Sam: Oh really?

Reagan: Yes really.

[Sam picks Reagan up and runs to the water.]

Reagan: SAM! NO!

Sam: Yes!

Reagan: No!

[Puts her down when they are knee length in the water.]

Reagan: This is freezing!

Sam: Then go under.

Reagan: Sam no! I know what you're thinking!

Sam: I'm not thinking anything.

Reagan: Yes you are and I know exactly what it is!

Sam: What am I thinking?

Reagan: You're gonna push me in.

Sam: Then go under and I won't have to.

Reagan: Let me adjust.

Sam: Just go!

Reagan: I can't it's too cold.

Sam: I will push you if you don't go. There is a wave now go.

[Sam goes for the wave. Comes up and looks back at Reagan who is still in the shallow part of the water.]

Reagan: I can't!

Sam: Reagan I'm coming to get you and I'm gonna throw you in.

[Starts running to Reagan. Reagan runs and dives into a wave.]

Reagan: Happy now?

[Sam keeps staring at Reagan awed.]

Reagan: What is it? What's the matter?

Sam: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I didn't think you would do it.

Reagan: Well I did and I'm cold and my hair is gross.

Sam: I think it looks nice.

Reagan: Really?

Sam: You always look nice to me.

Reagan: Thanks.

Sam: No problem.

Reagan: What are we doing tonight.

Sam: I'm not wrecking the surprise!

Reagan: I'll act surprised!

Sam: Nope, no can do.

Reagan: I hate surprises.

Sam: But you love me.

Reagan: Not enough Samuel.

Sam: Enough for you to go on this date with me.

Reagan: Lucky you.

Sam: Yeah, lucky me. [Yelling.] I have the most beautiful girl in all of Rhode Island all to myself tonight.

Reagan: Shhh! Again, lucky you. [Laughing.]

Sam: Don't worry you'll like this I think.

Reagan: You think?

Sam: Yeah it involves bikes and umbrellas.

Reagan: Bikes and Umbrellas?

Sam: Yep. Don't worry I will have both ready.

Reagan: Oh. Ummm...okay.

Sam: Ya gotta trust me.

Reagan: Trust isn't easily given on my front.

Sam: It's me. I won't break a promise.

Reagan: It isn't the promise I'm afraid you'll break.

Sam: I couldn't break any part of you even if I tried.

Reagan: I know that but, I have had a lot of brokenness in my lifetime.

Sam: I won't be included in the pack of people who hurt you. I swear.

[Slight pause.]

Reagan: I trust you.

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