Part 15

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[Reagan is in Paige's room. Paige is getting ready for a bonfire at the beach. Reagan isn't getting ready.]

Paige: So tell me again what happened?

Reagan: He's over me.

Paige: Ray, I mean, can you blame him?

Reagan: What do you mean?

Paige: I mean you left him no choice in some ways.

Reagan: No choice?

Paige: Yeah. If I was him I would honestly probably do the same thing.

Reagan: Do you think he really likes her?

Paige: I don't know. I haven't seen them together. Why don't you come. Everyone is going, you can meet someone new or something.

Reagan: I can't base my summer on him.

Paige: You're right, you can't base a whole summer on a boy. It is bad for your tan.

Reagan: I'm going! And I am going to apologize to Sam.

Paige: Sounds good to me. Now go get ready!

[Reagan puts on a pair of jean shorts, light pink open bak top and a black bando. Her hair is down and wavy. A few minutes later, Paige come in.]

Paige: Pretty, Pretty.

Reagan: Thank you.

Paige: You aren't going to stay clothed tonight.

Reagan: Paige...

Paige: I would have sex with you tonight. You look hot!

Reagan: Awe you're so sweet. [Sarcastically.]

Paige: You ready to go?

Reagan: Yep.

[Paige and Reagan leave the house and go to the beach where the bonfire is. When they are near, Paige spots Greg.]

Paige: Are you going to be okay? I'm going to hang out with Greg.

Reagan: Oh yeah, go have fun!

Paige: Okay, see ya later.

[Paige leaves and leaves Reagan alone. Reagan is looking at them. They both look back at Reagan and it looks like Greg is listening intently.]

Joe: Hey stranger.

Reagan: Oh hey. You scared me.

Joe: I'm sorry.

Reagan: No, it's fine.

Joe: Where is Sam?

Reagan: No idea.

Joe: Are you in a fight with him?

Reagan: I guess, but I am trying to resolve it.

Joe: Oh well it looks like he is here.

[Sam enters and is looking around.]

Reagan: I'll be right back.

Sam: Hey.

Reagan: Hey. I am so sorry about before. I have no right to say who you can and can't date Sam and the fact that I tried to dictate it is beyond me. I am the reason in the first place you found someone new.

Sam: Really Reagan don't worry about it.

Reagan: I guess I was just upset that I decided to act too late.

Sam: Reagan, it's all good.

Reagan: Is that her? [Points]

Sam: Yeah.

Reagan: She's pretty Sam.

Sam: Yeah.

Reagan: I'll leave you two.

[Reagan leaves, Molly enters.]

Molly: Hi Sam.

Sam: Hey Mol.

Molly: I'm happy you asked me to come, I know like no one here.

Sam: I'm happy I could help.

[Not looking at Molly still looking at Reagan.----->

Molly starts talking but the sound of her voce fades out and More Than Words (by Extreme) starts playing. Reagan looks like she is having fun and not thinking about Sam or what is going on with Molly. No noise is heard but the song. By the ending notes of the song, Reagan realizes that Sam has been watching her. She starts walking away and exits the scene. Sam watches her leave.]

Molly: You like her, don't you?

Sam: Who?

Molly: That girl you've been looking at all night. Go on. You don't have to waist your time on me when you have no intention of doing anything. I understand.

Sam: Moll...

Molly: Go! I'll be fine! There are plenty of cute guys to fill your spot.

[Sam smiles and runs off to catch up with Reagan. Reagan is waiting, sitting on the deck in the lounge chairs. He stops and looks at her. She raises her eyebrows and he walks to her. She stands up and they start kissing. They stop and Reagan leads Sam to the bed room. They start kissing again and fall back on the bed. On the last note of the song Reagan shuts off the light.]

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