Part 17

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[Paige and Reagan are in Reagan's room finishing up their hair and make up for the party.]

Reagan: I'm done.

Paige: Same.

Reagan: Lets get going then.

Paige: What happened during the shopping today with Sam's mom?

Reagan: Nothing.

Paige: Sorry if this sounds weird, but she's hot.

Reagan: No I agree. She is only thirty-two.

Paige: She was fifteen when she had Sam?

Reagan: That's what she told me.

Paige: Wow. They ended up having a good life.

Reagan: She earned it.

Paige: Well if you look as hot as you do at her age and have a hot son to go with it, you must have a pretty good life!

[Get to the house. Sam and Greg are outside on the deck and come down the stairs when they see the girls.]

Paige: Hi.

Greg: Hey. [They kiss and walk off.]

Reagan: So I'm stuck with you I guess.

Sam: I guess I am going to have to do.

Reagan: I guess I will just have to deal. [Smiles and kiss.--------->

They both walk into the party. The normal kids who are at the usual parties are there but dressed nicely along with adults.]

Adien: Oh Reagan! [Hugs and cheek kiss.] I'm so glad you could make it!

Sam: Mom you saw her a few hours ago. [Adien gives Sam a look.]

Adien: You don't know how much I appreciate you helping me out this morning.

Reagan: It was honestly my pleasure.

Adien: Well I won't keep y'all. Go have some fun!

[Adien exits. Sam takes Reagan to the back yard where there are more people. There is a dance floor and country music playing.]

Sam: Would you like to dance?

Reagan: I didn't know you could dance.

Sam: I never said I could.

[Start walking over and dancing. Sam is a very good dancer.]

Reagan: I thought you couldn't dance.

Sam: No, no. I said I never said I could. I never said that I couldn't.

Reagan: You're the worlds most annoying person.

Sam: Well, at least I'm smooth. I have a southern mother, how could the thought I can't dance even be in your mind? [Reagan laughs. ----------->

A few more songs play and Sam and Reagan get off the dance floor and go to the lower level that is the beach. They start walking along the shore.]

Reagan: This is what I have been waiting for all summer.

Sam: I wish we could have been doing this all summer.

Reagan: I'm sorry.

Sam: It's in the past. We're here now, and I'm with you now. The only thing that matters to me right now is you.

Reagan: Are you scared for what is going to happen in the future. I mean like with us.

Sam: No. I'm not thinking into the future.

Reagan: Well we are going to have to.

Sam: Why can't you just take things one step at a time? It is so much easier.

Reagan: I always look into the future. It is like my thing.

Sam: Ray, you just need to stop and think what do I want now, because the future could change because of the present.

Reagan: Wow Buddah thanks.

Sam: Really. It is better not to think into the future. In my case anyway.

Reagan: You're case?

Sam: case.

Reagan: What do you mean?

Sam: I have a beautiful girlfriend I have to leave at the end of the summer.

Reagan: You're right. Let not think into the future. It's too gruesome.

[Keep walking until they are out of the frame.]

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