Part 14

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[Nat, Paige and Reagan walk in.]

Sam: Hey guys.

Nat: Hey man. You have a great house.

Sam: Thanks. Come in, come in. Paige, Greg is out back with a couple of the guys.

Paige: Thanks.

Nat: So where can I find a beer?

Sam: In the kitchen. It is right there to your left.

[Nat walks off leaving Reagan and Sam.]

Reagan: It is just you and me now, that is if you want to hang out with me.

Sam: What about Nat?

Reagan: What about him? He will be doing his own thing tonight. He always does.

Sam: Oh. Well I mean...

Reagan: If you don't want to hang out with me I'll get it.

Sam: No. I would love to.

[A few hours later and Sam and Reagan have a couple of beers. They are out back on the steps leading to the beach.]

Sam: Drunk yet?

Reagan: Getting there.

Sam: I haven't seen Nat all night.

Reagan: Who cares.

Sam: He is your boyfriend.

Reagan: Who is probably talking to another girl right now.

Sam: That's a dick thing to do.

Reagan: At the end of the day he is such a jerk.

Sam: In yet you are still with him.

Reagan: It is all going to be over soon enough.

Sam: I have heard that one before.

Reagan: And I know, I'm sorry. I just thought I would have a little more time to kind of process it and let it sink in. I didn't know he was coming. He just showed up.

Sam: Reagan, I just don't want to wait around all summer.

Reagan: You won't.

Sam: You say that now.

Reagan: What does that mean?

Sam: It means that I don't think you are able to break up with him. You are to chicken.

Reagan: I am not.

Sam: Then why not go find him and dump him right now?

Reagan: Right now?

Sam: Right now.

Reagan: He is probably drunk right now.

Sam: That is a lame excuse.

Reagan: Sam...

Sam: Save it Reagan. I have been trying to push him aside because I like you so much but he is here now and there is nothing we can do about it. I won't do this. I won't be your boy toy on the side. I like you a lot and this is hard to say because I don't want to lose my chance but I don't want to see you again until you pick me and dump him, or you decide to go the other way around. I need answers and at this point, I am not willing to wait. Waiting is what will kill me.

[Sam gets up and walks away. Reagan stays seated. She starts to get up and walk back to the house but when she turns Joe is standing in front her.]

Joe: Hey.

Reagan: Hi.

Joe: What is the matter?

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