Part 3

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[Reagan wakes up and goes into the kitchen. Still half asleep Paige greets her in a peppy manor.]

Paige: Good morning beautiful.

Reagan: Morning.

Paige: So I woke up and Greg texted me.

Reagan: Oh yeah?

Paige: Yup. He asked if I wanted to hang out and to bring you so that Sam would be occupied.

Reagan: Did you answer?

Paige: No not yet but...

Reagan: Don't, this is what we are going to do. We are going to the most obvious part of the beach where they would see us and we will stay until they come to us.

Paige: What if they don't?

Reagan: Again, you don't trust me. How do you think I got Nat.

Paige: Speaking of Nat, he called you while you were asleep and I picked it up. He wanted me to tell you he is coming up not this weekend but the one after that. Oh, and to call him.

Reagan: Okay. Where is my phone?

Paige: On the table.

Reagan: Thanks.

[Goes onto deck and calls Nat.]

Nat: Hello?

Reagan: Hey babe.

Nat: Hi!

Reagan: Paige told me you called.

Nat: Yeah.

Reagan: Why?

Nat: Can't a boyfriend call his girlfriend?

Reagan: Yeah, yeah I guess so.

Nat: Are you okay?

Reagan: Yeah, just anxious to get to the beach. I'll call you later bye.

Nat: Bye babe.

Paige: I'm ready for the beach. Let's go!

Reagan: I still have to get ready.

Paige: Hurry! I want Greg to see me with tanning oil on me!

Reagan: Paige, you'll fry...


Reagan: Okay!

[Goes into room and changes into bathing suit]

Paige: Can we go now!?

Reagan: Yes Paige.

[Arrive at beach. Paige and Reagan set up. Paige sits on her chair while Reagan lies on her towel. Reagan feels someone close to her.]

Reagan: You're kind of close.

Sam: I didn't think you'd mind.

Reagan: Haha so funny.

Sam: Want to go into the water with me?

Reagan: I'm not hot enough yet.

[Sam looks Reagan up and down]

Sam: At lest come down to the water with me. You don't have to go in.

Reagan: Okay.

[Sam takes his shirt off.]

Sam: You ready?

Reagan: Uhhh huuuhhh.

[Walks down to water and Reagan stands at edge.]

Sam: You comin'?

Reagan: Nope.

Sam: Why? It's nice!

Reagan: I'm gonna be cold!

[Sam comes out of water and takes Reagan's hand.]

Sam: You just gotta jump in.

Reagan: I'm not stupid. I know how to get into water.

Sam: Show me.

[ Pushes Reagan into a wave drenching her.]

Reagan: You suck.

[Splashes Sam. He jumps on her dragging her under with her. Reagan screams.]

Sam: You're sexy when you're all wet. [Playfully.]

Reagan: You know it baby. [Playfully.]

Sam: I wanna kiss you again really bad.

Reagan: I might let you.

Sam: Really?

Reagan: Yeah maybe.

[Sam leans in but Reagan pushes him under the water. Gets up and whips his hair out of his eyes. Reagan's laughing.]

Sam: Well played my friend.

Reagan: I learned from the best.

Sam: But I do really want to kiss you again.

Reagan: I'm not good to get involved with now.

Sam: What do you mean? Was the kiss bad or something?

Reagan: No! The kiss was, lovely. But I...

[Paige takes Reagan under water before she can finish. When she gets up Greg is in the water too.]

Paige: You okay?

Reagan: Yeah, I'm okay.

[Looks over to Sam whose talking to Greg.]

Greg: Why don't you guys come over? We are having a party tonight.

Paige: I'm down if you are.

[Reagan takes a second to answer.]

Reagan: Sure. It sounds fun.

[Reagan smiles and looks to Sam who is giving her a big smile.]

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