Part 2

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[Scene starts in Reagan's room. You see her in her bed tossing and turning. She picks up her phone to check the time.]

Reagan: This has got to be a joke. [Gets up and goes out to the deck.]

Sam: Hey!

[Reagan gets up from her chair and looks to see Sam on the street.]

Reagan: Hey! Come up here.

[Sam comes up the stairs.]

Sam: What are you doing up? It is almost two in the morning.

Reagan: My overactive mind refuses to cool down and let me sleep. Why are you awake and out none the less?

Sam: Well I really like being up at this time. I walk around and you know, find beautiful girls to talk to.

Reagan: I hope you're not talking about me.

Sam: I'm not. I was actually hoping you were Paige...

[Reagan playfully slaps his arm]

Sam: No, I am kidding! I think you are beautiful beyond belief. But that still isn't why I'm out here. It was luck. [Sam has an embarrassed smile. Reagan blushes, smiles and looks down.]

Reagan: Then why?

Sam: Writer's block.

Reagan: You write?

Sam: Yup. I'm going to North Western hopefully for writing. Does writing make me a complete loser?

Reagan: No. I think it's nice.

Sam: What do you like?

Reagan: Nothing.

Sam: Nothing?

Reagan: Nothing.

Sam: What about college?

Reagan: Hopefully, I will be a communications major.

Sam: What's in communications that you like?

Reagan: Directing, producing. That kind of thing.

Sam: So you like to run the show?

Reagan: I just know how I like things done.

Sam: Okay then. Sounds legit.

Reagan: What do you write about?

Sam: Nothing in particular. I could write about this beautiful girl who has light brown hair and brown eyes. I could characterize her by saying she is smart, beautiful and funny.

Reagan: The in between is missing one and two I'm...or whoever this story is about, isn't fascinating enough.

Sam: I could write about her all day.

Reagan: All you see is my exterior. You don't see what's inside, you don't see who I am and I guess, I don't blame you.

Sam: What does that mean?

Reagan: It's what most people see and they either take what they see or leave it. No one ever looks to see who I really am.

Sam: How do you want to be seen?

Reagan: As me. I don't think that's to much to ask.

Sam: Neither do I.


Sam: Reagan?

Reagan: What?

Sam: Would it be a lot to ask to kiss you?

Reagan: You don't even know my last name in yet you want to kiss me? [Laughs.]

Sam: What is it?

Reagan: What?

Sam: Your last name.

Reagan: Bennett.

[Sam gets up and kisses Reagan.]

Reagan: Oh boy.

[Sam laughs and kisses her again.]

Sam: I should get going back home.

Reagan: Okay.

Sam: Thanks for the inspiration.

[Reagan smiles then get's up and start's to head inside but she hears Sam again.]

Sam: Gale.

Reagan: What?

Sam: Sam Gale.

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