Part 10

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[Reagan is back at the house with a bunch of bags. Paige is at the kitchen table waiting for her.]

Paige: Where have you been?

Reagan: I tried to check myself into a mental institution.

[Pause. Paige looks really worried.]

Reagan: I had to go to the store and replace what I broke last night.

Paige: Why didn't you ask me to go with you.

Reagan: I didn't need someone to babysit me, Paige.

[Slight pause.]

Paige: Did you find everything?

Reagan: Everything and it's identical twin.

Paige: Oh wow really?

Reagan: It was all cheap. Now I know why.

[Girls laugh.]

Paige: Ray I know you probably really don't want to talk about this but...what happened this morning?

Reagan: Nothing. [Starts for room.]

Paige: I don't think Sam would be upset over nothing. [Following.]

Reagan: Just like...why is he so up my butt! I have been taking care of myself long enough I don't need him to defend me or stick up for me or keep his nose in my business!

Paige: Reagan, he likes you! [Little laugh.]

Reagan: Even if I can't breathe! He answered my phone this morning. Nat was the one who was calling. He told him that I am too good for him and that I deserve better.

Paige: So you're mad at him for complimenting you?

Reagan: No, I'm mad because he shouldn't have been talking to Nat in the first place!

Paige: Because now your two worlds have finally met?

Reagan: What? No.

Paige: I think that is what part of it is. Maybe you are mad at him for talking to Nat because it wasn't his place, and yes, it wasn't. But then again, he was telling your boyfriend who doesn't know about this secret thing you and Sam have that you're too good for him. Your beach life and your home life are leaning against each other now and I think now you're scared your two perfect worlds will fall.

[Reagan stays silent.]

Paige: I know you all too well.

Reagan: I don't even know what to say.

Paige: Sorry to Sam maybe?

Reagan: No. Even if I did say sorry, he probably wouldn't forgive me.

Paige: Say sorry and you will have Sam. Dump Nat. Ray, you see the trouble he is causing you? He isn't even here and he is causing problems!

Reagan: I'm gonna do it. When the time is right I am going to dump Nat.

Paige: Reagan... wait what?

Reagan: Yeah, I'm gonna do it.

Paige: Yeah! Yeah you are!

Reagan: Yeah. I should go talk to Sam.

Paige: Yeah Ray! You go!

-------------------------------------------FADE TO SAM'S HOUSE---------------------------------------

[Reagan knocks on the door. Greg comes to the door and doesn't look happy to see Reagan.]

Reagan: Hi Greg, is Sam here.

Greg: Yeah.

Reagan: Well I need to talk to him can I come in.

Greg: How could you lead him on like that?

Reagan: Huh?

Greg: Sam is a really good guy and doesn't deserve to be treated like he's second best.

Reagan: Greg I know and I...

Greg: What? Come to tell him that you're going back to your boyfriend?

Reagan: No actually I...

Greg: Came to lead him on a little more?

Reagan: Can I finish a sentence?

Greg: I'm all ears.

Reagan: I came to tell him I am dumping my boyfriend for him!

Greg: know...

Reagan: I still shouldn't have led him on?

Greg: Or...

Reagan: Or kept secrets and treated him as second best?

Greg: Yeah.

Reagan: Can I come in and talk to Sam?

Greg: He is in his room. I have my eye on you don't think I don't.

Reagan: Thanks, Greg.

[Reagan goes to Sam's room. She knocks on the door.]

Sam: Come in.

Reagan: Sam?

Sam: Reagan! [Quickly closes his laptop and stands up.]

Reagan: Hi.

Sam: Hi, come in.

[Reagan walks in.]

Reagan: I wanted to say that I am sorry about this morning. I overreacted a little. I think that I am trying to hold on to things that I should be letting go. I mean I have all I need...right here.

Sam: Really?

Reagan: Yeah. Paige and the beach.

Sam: Oh...

Reagan: I'm just fucking with you. [Laughing.]

Sam: You're fucking...fucking with me!? How do you think that made me feel!

Reagan: Sam, I didn't mean...

Sam: And I'm just fucking with you. [Laughing.]

Reagan: Sam you scared me half to death!

[Playfully slaps him. He picks her up and puts her on the bed. Both are smiling.]

Reagan: This is how it will be soon.

Sam: What do you mean?

Reagan: Things are done with Nat. When he comes up I am going to break up with him.

Sam: Really?

Reagan: Yeah. [Smiling.]

Sam: So about that date?

[They smile then kiss.]

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