Part 5

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[Reagan is walking towards the door picking up mail. Looking through it.]

Sam: Reagan!

Reagan: Hey!

Sam: I have been trying to find you all morning.

Reagan: How do you feel?

Sam: Honestly not as bad as I should. Thank you for taking care of me last night. I don't know what I would have done without you.

Reagan: It was really nothing.

Sam: Well still anyway, thank you and maybe next time the roles will be reversed.

Reagan: Maybe. It depends.

Sam: On what?

Reagan: Nothing. It isn't my story to share.

Sam: What do you mean?

Reagan: It is about Paige so...

Sam: I get it, I get it. Where's Paige anyway?

Reagan: The renters said that she could paint her room so she's at the paint shop.

Sam: So you're free?

Reagan: I guess why?

Sam: Why don't you come to the beach with me?

Reagan: Okay, I just have to change first.

[Reagan's phone rings.]

Reagan: Hello?

Nat: Hi baby.

Reagan: Oh hi.

Nat: I was thinking about coming down in like two or three weeks. I'm sorry I can't down the weekend I planned.

Reagan: It's okay come when you can.

Nat: You're not upset?

Reagan: Well..of...of course I am but I mean ...

Nat: You found someone else didn't you?

Reagan: That not it! That's not true! Why would you even say that!?

Nat: Calm down, I'm just kidding. I trust you.

Reagan: Doesn't sound like it.

Nat: Reagan, I don't want to fight.

Reagan: I have to go. I'll talk to you later.

Nat: Reagan... [Hangs up.]

[From outside the door.]

Sam: Reagan are you alright?

[Opens door and walks out leading Sam.]

Reagan: I'm fine let's go.

[Walks out of the house.]

Sam: Can I ask you somethin'?

Reagan: Go for it.

Sam: Why aren't you good to be with now? You keep saying it, but you don't say why.

Reagan: It's complicated kind of.

Sam: I'm smart. I can keep up.

Reagan: I really don't want to talk about it now.

Sam: Okay. I get it. You are keeping secrets. Well,I can keep secrets too.

Reagan: You suck. [Reagan laughs]

Sam: I'm a great person actually.

Reagan: Shut up you're mean!

Sam: You started it!

Reagan: Shut up. I hate you. [Laughing.]

Sam: Take that back! You know you love Samuel Adam Robert Gale!

Reagan: Oh my God I cannot believe you actually just said that. [Laughing hysterically.]

Sam: Baby, I said it and you know you liked it.

Reagan: Oh my God you need to stop!

Sam: Reagan you love it don't pretend like you don't!

Reagan: I'm not pretending! I don't like showing a fake face.

Sam: You're actual one is pretty nice.

[Finally arrive at the beach. Set up towels and chairs and sit.]

Sam: Go in the water with me.

Reagan: Even if I say no you'll make me.

Sam: That's right.

[Picks Reagan up and throws her over his shoulders. Runs down to water and puts her down. They are very close. Bodies touching.]

Sam: You know, I believe you owe me a kiss.

Reagan: Do I?

Sam: If my memory serves right you do.

[They kiss. They pull away Reagan looks into his eyes and pulls him in again.]

Sam: That was worth waiting for.

Reagan: I wish I could tell you why I'm not good to be with. Things would be a lot simpler.

Sam: Then tell me.

Reagan: If only I could.

Sam: You can.

Reagan: If you knew you would understand why I don't want to tell you.

Sam: I give up. You obviously aren't going to tell me.

Reagan: I'm sorry Sam.

Sam : Yeah.

[He turns around and starts walking away.]

Summer of SamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant