Part 22

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[Reagan has been in her room for the past two days. She doesn't eat, drink or sleep.]

Paige: Reagan? Please come out. We can watch a movie or something you just have to get out of this room. Sam wouldn't want this.

Reagan: Paige, You don't know what Sam would have wanted! So don't act like you do!

Paige: You're right, you're right. I don't know what he would have wanted. But still, please come out.

[Reagan gets up and watches a movie with Paige.--------> Movie ends.]

Paige: Are you staying up?

[Reagan nods.]

Paige: Okay. Night Ray.

[Reagan starts looking through her pictures crying harder with everyone. She hears a knock on the door and it is Greg.]

Greg: Hey.

Reagan: Hey. You know this is completely normal showing up at someone's house at like one in the morning.

Greg: I just finished cleaning out Sam's room. His mom wanted the stuff back before the funeral. I found things that Sam wanted you to have. Before he passed, he said that you needed to see this. I don't know what's on it he just said to make sure you got it.

[Greg hands Reagan a DVD.]

Reagan: Thank you.

Greg: No problem. There is one for Paige too. Is she up.

Reagan: Yeah, she is in her room.

Greg: Okay thanks.

[Greg starts towards Paige's room.]

Reagan: Greg, thank you...again.

[He nods. Reagan goes to her room and put the disk into her laptop. Sam's face popped up.]

Sam: Reagan: If you're watching this, I'm dead. I don't want you to be upset, or sad, or mourn. I want you to move on. Don't go back to Nat though. I left wanting you to be happy and even though I'm not there I still want you to be happy. Don't remember me as the pale mess I was before I passed. Remember me in smiles. Remember our dates. Remember our sleep overs. Remember us. Reagan, you are like Red Sea glass. It's rare and so are you. I have to go because I am supposed to meet you in a few minutes. If Greg did what I asked though, he gave you a huge stack of papers that are stapled together. I love you and I always will. I'm watching over you as you watch this. Stay safe, and I will see you on the other side. Again, I love you. Please don't forget that and when you are sad, and feel alone, remember you aren't alone. I will be with you. See you later babe.

[Reagan runs to go find the box and brings it to her room slamming the door behind her. She pulls things out of the box until she finds the papers Sam was talking about in the video. It was titled Patterns of the Heart. As Reagan reads through it, she finds that it is a book about the summer and their relationship. When she finishes she takes a pen, crosses out patterns of the heart and writes Summer of Sam.


[Senior year passed. Reagan goes to North Western now.]

Greg: Reagan?

Reagan: Greg?

Greg: Hey! Nice to see you!

Reagan: Likewise. I haven't seen you since...

Greg: Yeah.

Reagan: Sorry about you and Paige though, I know you two broke up midway through last year.

Greg: Yeah, I was going through to much for her to handle.

Reagan: I get it, she had to deal with me too.

[They laugh.]

Reagan: I have to get to class so why don't we like get coffee one day or something?

Greg: Yeah. Why don't we go on a date?

Reagan: A date?

Greg: Yeah.

Reagan: Sure.

Greg: Okay, I'll see you around soon then.

Reagan: See you soon.

[She starts to walk off.]

Greg: Reagan!?

[She turns.]

Greg: I know this is weird because like I just asked you on a date, but he really loved you. He meant it when he said it.

Reagan: I did too. I'll see you around Greg.

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