Part 13

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[Two days later. Reagan, Nat and Paige are at the beach.]

Nat: This is nice. Spending time with my girlfriend at the beach.

Reagan: Yup.

[Reagan looks over at Paige who raises her eyebrows and purses her lips.]

Paige: Ray, why don't we go on a walk?

Reagan: Okay.

Nat: I'll go.

Paige: No, no, girl stuff Nat. You stay.

Nat: Alright.

[Nat sits back down and the girls start walking.]

Paige: So why haven't you dumped him yet?

Reagan: I'm waiting for the right time.

Paige: Ray, it has been two days and you haven't found the right time? You can't make Sam wait for you like that. It's cruel.

Reagan: It's complicated.

Paige: You're what is making it complicated Reagan! I understand that Sam goes back to Boston at the end of the summer but whatever! If you found anyone that makes you happier than Nat then you must break up with him. It is unfair to everyone.

Reagan: I'm just nervous.

Paige: Just do it. Like a bandaid, just rip it off!

Reagan: I can't!

Paige: Well unless you want Sam to leave you, then you're going to have to.

Reagan: I have never dumped anyone before.

Paige: You've had plenty of boyfriends before Nat. You can't tell me that you've never dumped any of them.

Reagan: No, we always came to a mutual agreement.

Paige: That is possibly the weirdest thing I have ever heard.

Reagan: Well...

Paige: Did you invite Sam and Greg to the beach?

Reagan: No, why?

Paige: Look.

[Paige points over to Greg and Sam are talking to Nat.]

Reagan: Oh no.

[Run over.]

Reagan: Hey, what's going on?

Sam: Nothing getting to know your friend Nat.

Nat: Boyfriend.

Sam: Yeah.

Paige: Hey! Uhhh... why don't we all go on the water?

Sam: Okay.

Greg: I'll go.

Reagan: I'll go.

Nat: I'm gonna stay.

[All go in the water and leave Nat behind. Greg and Paige go off on their own leaving Sam and Reagan.]

Sam: So that's him?

Reagan: Yup.

Sam: You dump em yet?

Reagan: Does it look like I dumped him?

Sam: Okay, the attitude wasn't necessary.

Reagan: And you coming over and talking to him wasn't either.

Sam: Are you seriously mad about that?

Reagan: Yes.

Sam: It wasn't that big of a deal.

Reagan: It is to me!

Sam: You're making a mountain out of a hill.

Reagan: If you were in my position you would be pissed off too Sam. Don't even tell me you wouldn't be.

Sam: If I was in your position I would have dumped him by now.

[Reagan just stares at Sam annoyed with his comment. Out of nowhere, Nat comes and wraps his arms around Reagan who looks very uncomfortable. Sam turns around rolls his eyes then turns back.]

Nat: What's going on? Is everything okay here?

Reagan: Just fine.

[Greg and Paige come back.]

Sam: We are having a party tonight if you guy want to come.

Nat: That sounds awesome.

Reagan: That doesn't sound like a good idea.

Nat: Why not?

Sam: Yeah why not?

Paige: Movie night. We are having a movie night tonight.

Reagan: Yeah! We were going to watch a movie tonight and just stay in with Chinese food.

Nat: Come on, let just go to the party! It won't kill you.

Reagan: It might.

Nat: We are in.

Sam: Okay, so I will see you guys tonight. Greg, we have to talk to TJ about getting drinks.

Greg: Ummm...okay.

Sam: Bye.

All: Bye.

[Greg gives Paige a quick kiss then starts walking off with Sam.]

Greg: Since when are we having a party?

Sam: Since about a minute and a half ago.

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