Part 16

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[Next morning, Reagan walks up to the kitchen trying hard not to wake anyone up. She has a boy's button up shirt on and looks guilty. She opens the fridge looking for something to drink.]

Paige: So the little sex monkey lived after last night!

Reagan: I...don't know what you're talking about?

Paige: What one was it? Was it the cute blonde you were flirting with all night? Oh was it the brunet kid that was cuddling you by the fire? No, it was totally the other blonde kid that you were kissing!

Sam: Or it was Sam. [Sam enters up the stairs and kisses Reagan.] Hi.

Reagan: Hi.

Sam: You two were talking about something, I'm going to let you get back to it. [Exits.]

Paige: SAM!

Reagan: Shhhh! [Nods.]

Paige: Good? Bad?

Reagan: So good! So, so good!

Paige: Sounded like it. Sounded like you could have lasted all night.

Reagan: What?

Paige: My friend, you are loud!

Reagan: Oh my god. [Covers face.]

Paige: Skip that. I still can't believe Sam got the in! Literally!

Reagan: Well I mean it's been leading up to it.

Paige: So you think you two are, like, together now?

Reagan: I mean I hope so after last night.

Paige: I don't think Sam is like that. Even though he is one to listen to our conversations.

Reagan: What? [Paige walks to the stairs and drags Sam to the top from a few steps down. Reagan shakes her head and smiles.]

Paige: You're a little sneak!

Sam: Hey! It was about me!

Reagan: But this is girl stuff you shouldn't know.

Sam: Know what?

Reagan: That's better. [She laughs and walks towards Sam. They kiss and starts heading back down the stairs to Reagan's room.]

Paige: Not to loud love birds. [ Reagan gives Paige a fuck you look. They reach Reagan's room and shut the door.]

Sam: I should probably get going soon.

Reagan: You don't have to.

Sam: Yes woman I do! [Kisses Reagan.]

Reagan: Noooo.

Sam: Yes, I do. I will see you later babe. I'm not going anywhere.

Reagan: Okay.

Sam: We can go to the beach later if you want.

Reagan: Sounds like a plan Stan.

[Sam starts getting dressed.]

Sam: Reagan?

Reagan: Mhmm?

Sam: My shirt? [ Reagan points at the shirt that she is wearing.] Yes, that one. [She slips it off over her head leaving her topless. She knows she is teasing Sam.]

Reagan: So I'll see you later?

Sam: Yes.

Reagan: Up here Sam. [Shakes his head.]

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