Part 18

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[Girls are working in the store. It is about twelve in the afternoon.]

Paige: Hey guys, can I help you with anything?

Greg: Paige, it's just us.

Paige: I have to say it to everyone who walks in.

Greg: Oh. Well you could help me by giving me a kiss.

Paige: That is doable. [Smiles and they kiss.]

Sam: Hey babe.

Reagan: Hi!

Sam: What are you doing tonight?

Reagan: I don't know yet. Why?

Sam: My mom is leaving tomorrow morning and she wants to have dinner with you and I before she goes. You down?

Reagan: Yeah that sounds good.

Sam: Great. So I'll see you at like five thirty?

Reagan: Yep.

Sam: Okay, see you then. [Exits with Greg.]

[Paige walks over to Reagan.]

Paige: We have new inventory, can you help me put it out on the shelves?

Reagan: Yeah. Gurt, can you take the cash register?

Gurt: Sure.

Reagan: Is everything okay with you and Greg?

Paige: Yeah, why?

Reagan: I don't know it just looked like you couldn't wait for him to leave.

Paige: We had sex last night and it was so bad and now I feel awkward about it.

Reagan: Wait, like it was bad?

Paige: So bad, like the worst I have ever had. But then again he was a virgin.

Reagan: What!?

Paige: Yep, I devirgitized him.

Reagan: Oh my God!

Paige: And, I was a virgin too.

Reagan: Paige, you haven't been a virgin since like last year.

Paige: Well to Greg I was a virgin.

Reagan: Oh Jesus.

Paige: I know but like he asked me if I was and I could tell he was looking for me to say I was so I lied and we did it for the first time last night and he was so bad I wanted to throw a sex ed book at his head. Not like the one that's like use a condom, the one that is like how to be good and what positions she likes best.

Reagan: I don't even know what to say. Like that bad you wanted to throw the book at his head?

Paige: I think a rock could have done better. He was so cute about it though after.

Reagan: Well I know I'm not one to talk about the subject but maybe you should tell the truth?

Paige: Yeah, let me practice on you. Okay, hey Greg, well you know how I was a virgin when we had sex? Well I lied and I wasn't actually a virgin and you sucked so bad I wanted to throw a sex book at you the whole time.

Reagan: Paige...

Paige: I can't do it.

Reagan: Just tell him you weren't a virgin. It isn't as bad as you think.

Paige: To a virgin it is.

Reagan: Well technically he isn't anymore.

Paige: Reagan! This isn't funny!

Reagan: I'm sorry! But you should still tell him the truth.

Paige: If we are still together by the end of the summer I will tell him.

Reagan: If you're together?

Paige: Yeah.

Reagan: Paige, you were like hopelessly in love with the kid before you had sex and now you don't even know if you're going to stay with him?

Paige: I wasn't in love you know I don't believe in that stuff. It's just that we live far apart and I don't know if I want to do the whole long distance thing.

Reagan: You pushed me to do it when I didn't want to.

Paige: I just can't see myself really following through though with it, I might cheat because I miss him and need affection. You know?

Reagan: You're something else you know that?

Paige: Will you judge me if I dump him?

Reagan: No.

Paige: Okay. Let's finish the box slowly we only have a half hour until we get off.


[Reagan is at Sam's house for dinner with his mom.]

Adien: So, who have you been living with all summer?

Reagan: Just me and my best friend Paige. We have jobs so we can pay for it.

Adien: See Samuel, she knows the meaning of a dollar unlike you.

Sam: Yeah, yeah.

[Sam rolls his eyes and Reagan and Adien start laughing.]

Adien: Sammy had to beg to come down alone this year with Gregory. They're good boys though. They did a slammin' job.

Sam: Mom, slammin'?

Adien: Isn't that the cool thing? Slammin'?

Sam: No mom. Not at all.

Reagan: Hey she's trying!

Adien: Thank you, Reagan!

Sam: Why do I try?

[Everyone laughs again and Sam's nose begins to bleed.]

Adien: Sam honey, your nose is bleeding.

Sam: Oh shit. I'm sorry.

Adien: Just come here honey.

[Adien and Sam move to the sink leaving Reagan at the table. Reagan turns from her seat as Adien and Sam try to stop the bleeding.]

**Fade off**

Reagan: What happened before?

Sam: What do you mean?

Reagan: Your nose randomly bleeding.

Sam: I don't know, hasn't your nose ever randomly bled?

Reagan: Yeah, I guess so.

Sam: It isn't a big deal. It was just a nose bleed.

Reagan: Okay. I'll drop it.

Sam: Okay.

Reagan: Okay.

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