Part 19

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[Paige and Reagan are at the store. They are in the break room talking about Reagan's dinner with Sam and his mom.]

Paige: So how did dinner go?

Reagan: It was alright.

Paige: That's always good.

Reagan: Sam got a nose bleed at the end of dinner. It was like random, out of the blue.

Paige: So? Everyone gets nose bleeds. You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Reagan: He was acting weird though when I asked about it.

Paige: How so?

Reagan: Just how defensive he was about it.

Paige: That is weird. Maybe he was just embarrassed or something.

Reagan: Maybe.

Paige: Ray, don't stress. It's a nose bleed we are talking about.

[Later that day, Reagan is on a date with Sam. They're on the beach.]

Sam: I have been waiting for this all day.

Reagan: Me too.

Sam: I have to tell you something.

Reagan: What is it?

[Sam pauses and waits a moment. Reagan stresses her face.]

Sam: Reagan, I love you.

Reagan: I love you too.


[Sam and Reagan are together at Sam's house.]

Adien: Be good now Sammy.

Sam: I will mom.

[Adien to Reagan.]

Adien: You have my number. If he is being annoying or anything let me know, I'll bitch slap him. See you soon hopefully.

Reagan: It was nice meeting you. I'll see you soon.

[Adien gets in the car, waves, then drives off.]

Sam: She's gone! Now we can fuck.

Reagan: Sam...

[Sam gives Reagan a funny look and picks Reagan up over his shoulder.]

Reagan: SAM! [Laughing.]

[Fade into Sam's bedroom. Reagan has Sam's shirt on and is above the sheets. Sam has the covers over his waist and is doing something on his phone.]

Reagan: I'm hungry. Want to order Chinese?

Sam: That's fine. What do you want?

[Reagan tells Sam and he orders. About thirty or so minutes later the doorbell rings. Sam goes to answer the door and Reagan stays in his room. He comes back a minute or so later with the food.]

Sam: Can you do me a huge favor?

Reagan: Depends on what you want me to do.

Sam: Remember this.

Reagan: Why this?

Sam: Because this moment means more than you think.

Reagan: Sam...

Sam: Please.

Reagan: Okay.

[They eat.]

Reagan: Sam?

Sam: Yeah?

Reagan: I love you.

Sam: I love you too.

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