Part 12

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[Reagan is in her room getting ready for her date with Sam.]

Paige: Hey.

Reagan: Hey.

Paige: Excited?

Reagan: Scared.

Paige: It's only Sam.

Reagan: I know but like, what if I say something stupid and mess something up?

Paige: You're the smoothest of smooth Ray don't worry.

Reagan: How do I look.

Paige: Hot. I'd bang you.

Reagan: Not too trashy, yet not too sister Christian.

Paige: Yeah it is like that good balance that you were talking about the night of the party.

Reagan: I have butterflies.

Paige: Good! Butterflies are good!


Paige: Ready?

Reagan: I think. Here goes nothing.

[Reagan and Sam are at the beach. It is night time and no one is there. There is a picnic blanket surrounded by lights. Music is playing and Sam and Reagan are laying down together.]

Reagan: You're the biggest liar known to man you know that? Umbrellas and bikes?

Sam: It kept you busy all day did it not?

Reagan: Well played.

Sam: Do you like it?

Reagan: I love it. It's perfect.

Sam: So tell me about you. I mean I know that you live in Fairfield and you wanna be a director but tell me personal things like uhh...what's your favorite movie?

Reagan: Favorite movie. Hmmm. Good question. I am a big movie girl. I would have to say A Walk to Remember, though.

Sam: Never even heard of it.

Reagan: It is about this guy who falls in love with this girl who he never in a million years would give a chance to. You should watch it with me one day.

Sam: I will. Tell me more.

Reagan: I'm not that interesting. I mean I am going into senior year, I hate school, I want to go far away for college. I know a lot about constellations and stuff. There isn't much complexity to me.

Sam: Constellations? Like the stars?

Reagan: Yeah.

Sam: Tell me some.

Reagan: Well, uhh, there is O'Ryan's belt, and uhh there is the big and Little Dipper.

Sam: What one is your favorite?

Reagan: That one right there. It is called Lair.

Sam: Is there like a story behind it?

Reagan: Yeah, actually. There was this man who loved his girlfriend more than anything in the world. She was great and beautiful. One day unfortunately she died. He couldn't bare it. Getting through the days was so hard and one day he decided to go to the under world and get her back. So he asks Medusa if he can have her back and she says sure. The catch is you just can't look at her. So she gives the man back his girlfriend and they are going back to the real world when he hears some rocks fall. He turned back to see if she was okay...

Sam: And she wasn't there.

Reagan: Yup.

Sam: Who taught you all of this?

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