Part 7

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[Reagan is waking up. Her head is on Sam's chest. Dazed, she is rubbing her eyes noticing Sam in her bed. He is starting to wake up.]

Sam: Rough night champ? [Laughing.]

Reagan: I will let you know when my head isn't pounding.

Sam: Want me to get you some water?

Reagan: Yes, please.

[He is starting to get up and starts walking out the door. Reagan sits herself up against the headboard]

Reagan: Sam...

Sam: Mmmm?

Reagan: We didn'

Sam: No, don't worry, nothing happened.

Reagan: Okay.

[She slides down in bed. Looks around for phone and finally finds it on night side table on her books. She has a text from Nat which she reads then throws her phone onto the bed. Sam comes in a few seconds after with a glass of water. He sits with Reagan on the bed.]

Sam: The morning of champions.

Reagan: Don't make fun! If I recall I had to take care of you once.

Sam: Tochè.

Reagan: Ugh, I just want to go to the beach.

Sam: Really? The waves will sound like gun shots.

Reagan: I don't even care.

[Both get up and head into the kitchen.]

Paige: And she lives!

Reagan: Shhhhhh! Please lets only use low voices.

Paige: Sorry!

Sam: We are going to go to the beach if you want to come.

Paige: No thanks. I think Greg is coming over soon.

Sam: Okay.

Reagan: I just want to change quick.

Sam: Take your time.

Paige: I thought she would be in bed all day the way she drank last night.

Sam: Could have been worse.

Paige: Could have. She already told you about Nat though and I'm sure she regrets that.

Sam: Why would she regret that?

Paige: You're blind. Have you ever heard the saying a drunk mind speaks a sober heart?

Sam: Yeah...

Paige: Last night she was saying how she wanted to be with you!

Sam: Her emotions were probably just heightened.

Paige: If you say so, Sam.

Sam: Why are you saying it like that?

Paige: I didn't say it in any certain way.

Sam: Yes you did!

Paige: Did not.

Sam: Did so!

Paige: Are we seriously going to do this right now?

Sam: Why did you say it like you did!?

Paige: Sam, you're being stupid. She obviously really likes you but she is scared for the results. She knows that she will have to break up with Nat which she isn't prepared to and she would also have to face the music at the end of the summer and see that you're going back to Boston and she won't be going with you.

Sam: We could make things works if we tried.

Paige: Try telling the stubborn one that.

[Reagan walks back in.]

Reagan: Ready?

Sam: Yup.

[Sam and Reagan are walking out. Sam turns and mouths this conversation isn't over. Paige gives him a sarcastic okay look back. Fades to beach.]

*********************************FADES TO BEACH*********************************************

[Walking down beach.]

Reagan: I told you about Nat last night, right?

Sam: Yeah.

Reagan: I'm so sorry Sam. I feel stupid about that.

Sam: It's the truth. Isn't it?

Reagan: Yeah but...

Sam: Then don't be sorry about it. He's your boyfriend and that's that.

Reagan: And that's that?

Sam: Well is that changing anytime soon?

Reagan: I...

Sam: Yeah.

Reagan: Why are you talking to me like this?

Sam: I'm just stating facts, Ray. It isn't things you don't know already.

Reagan: You never once said anything about you, though. Like how I like you.

Sam: God damn it Reagan.

Reagan: That's the truth!

Sam: Then why are you still with Nat. Don't give me this it's complicated bull shit. You can do what ever you want. It's up to you. The ball has always been in your court.

Reagan: Sam I can't.

Sam: Just tell me!

Reagan: Because of the end!

Sam: What does that mean?

Reagan: That in the end, you go home! You go back to Boston and I go back to Fairfield!

[Reagan sits on sand.]

Reagan: Do you not get it!? I don't want a long distance relationship in the end! I want someone who will always be near by if I need a kiss or a hug! I don't want to have to drive just to have that!

Sam: Then why don't we just take this day by day? We will cross that bridge when the time comes. You don't even know if we will last that long.

Reagan: Sam, I don't know.

Sam: Ray I can give you some time to think about this but I don't want to be fawning over something all summer that'll never happen.

Reagan: Okay. I guess that is all I can ask for.

Sam: Just know that I like you a lot and wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you.

[Sam walks away. Reagan runs fingers through her hair and falls back on the sand]

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