Part 20

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[Reagan ends up sleeping over that night. Sam has been acting a little strange for the past two weeks and Reagan has been noticing.]

Paige: Hey, wanna go see a movie?

Reagan: Paige I'm scared.

Paige: Why? What's wrong?

Reagan: Sam.

Paige: What about him?

Reagan: He has just been acting weird. Like not like himself lately.

Paige: What do you mean?

Reagan: Like he always asks me to stay the night has been taking me on countless dates and asking me to remember things.

Paige: Well we are all going home soon. He probably just trying to make the best out of the time he has left, you know?

Reagan: I guess. It still makes me nervous though.

Paige: Look, I'm sure nothing is wrong. Sam is probably so close to perfect, God is jealous.

Reagan: Making God jealous could be a bad thing Paige.

Paige: Why are you being so cynical?

Reagan: I'm not trying to be.

Paige: Well start being happy because we are leaving soon and you have to make the best of what you have left.

Reagan: I know.

Paige: By that I mean having loads of sex. I know your loud so we can work out a schedule.

Reagan: PAIGE!

Paige: I am trying to help you out girl!

Reagan: I actually hate you.

Paige: No you don't. You can't hate a girl who is helping you have sex with someone who I have heard is a sex god.

Reagan: I guess I could live with you some what.

Paige: That is what I thought!

Reagan: So about that movie?


[Sam, Reagan, Paige and Greg are all at a bonfire. Sam wasn't acting in the weird way he had been. He was more calm.]

Reagan: I can't believe we only have like a week left. I don't want to leave.

Sam: That is going to be hard.

Paige: I just can't bare to part.

Reagan: I say we all just stay.

[Conversation goes on.]

Sam: Want to get out of here?

Reagan: Yeah.

[Reagan and Sam leave. They get to the boys house. When they reach the front door, Sam puts his hands over Reagan's eyes.]

Sam: Close your eyes.

Reagan: Why?

Sam: Because I said so.

Reagan: Okay. I guess that is a good enough reason.

[Sam guides Reagan to his room.]

Sam: Ready? Now open.

[Reagan opens her eyes to see a bunch of candles lit, low lighting, flowers and the most romantic scene she has ever seen.]

Reagan: Sam...

Sam: Is this like a scene you would have directed?

Reagan: This is something so far beyond I would have thought of.

Sam: Oh wow, I did that well?

Reagan: Why did you go to all this trouble? We still have a week.

Sam: Lets say we didn't

Reagan: Why would we say that?

Sam: Because I said so.

Reagan: Skip that okay? I don't want to talk about that.

Sam: Okay.

[Reagan sits on the bed. Sam joins her. They look to each other and kiss. Sam goes on top of Reagan...]


[Sam walks Reagan home and gives her a kiss.]

Sam: Goodnight.

Reagan: Goodnight.

Sam: Want to go to the beach in the morning?

Reagan: Sure.

Sam: Okay. I'll see you then. I love you.

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