Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Don't write that about me!" He tried snatching the paper out of my hand. All I could do was laugh. Messing with Charlie is the funniest shit. He even does this thing with his nose when he feels uncomfortable about something.

"No! I Like It! It's My Paper!" I tried putting it further down away behind my back when he stood up and tried reaching for it.  I didn't realize his body was against mine when he was trying to reach for it, it actually caused me to get nervous. "Alright! Alright!" I'll erase it!"

He froze and moved his head back to look at me. Our faces were really close up. "Promise?"

I nodded quickly and did a fake smile, "Yes! Now get -" I pushed on his chest, "off!"

He sat back down and threw the big eraser at me, "Erase!"

I pouted and looked at him, "Didn't need to throw you jerk." I looked around under me looking for the eraser. I turned and bend to get it.

"Oh Damn. That's a nice view."

I Blushed and stood up and threw the eraser at him, "Pervert!"

He laughed, the eraser landed on his crotch. "I'm sorry, I can't help myself." He put the eraser on my side of the desk before I sat down.

Charlie was watching me, making sure I would actually erase it. I rolled my eyes, "You can trust me, jerk."

He actually won me over when he snatched the paper out of my hand and read it. I let it slide, "Charlie Heetness, I knew him for two years. Being close was never a regret and it was always worth it." Then there was suppose to be the erased part after, saying 'He can be a serious pervert and come by and smack my ass.' I wasn't serious, I was just messing around with him. I caught a smile on his face then he gave it back. "Good. When you're done, I'm reading it just to make sure you didn't put anything else that's unnecessary."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled, "You're no fun." I started writing on my paper, 'Sometimes he can be pain in the ass though.'

"You and Kareesa been hanging out a lot lately when you and me stopped seeing eachother. Do you like her at all?"

When he said that, it actually started to get me mad. I set my pencil down and thought. "I been actually been wondering something."

He nodded and took a bite of his tuna he made, "Go on."

Me and him were going to end up fighting. He's really hard headed, but I couldn't give a shit right now. I sighed, "Ever since you and Ashley got together, you stopped talking to me."

He was taking awhile to reply, so I looked at him. He was thinking as he was chewing on his standwich and looking at his paper. He was doing his nose movement again. "That's a really good question," He finally said. 

He was about to take another bite, but I took the sandwich out of his hand. Putting back on the plate, I moved it away. "You can have it untill you give me an answer."

He sighed and went with it. He layed back on his chair with his arms crossed. He couldn't even look at me. "I guess because I been getting so caught up on Ashley I forget everything. I give her more attention than anything else now. I usually don't do that. But-"

"So all the things you said about our friendship is in the passed now?" I snapped.

"Would you fucking calm down," He looked at me.

I grabbed the sandwich and threw it at him, causing it to go everywhere all over him and on the floor. I stood up after him gasping and yelling the 'The Fuck!' I knew my anger would take over me, I couldn't help myself. Once I opened the door, I felt a rough hand move me against the door, with a slam. I couldn't help myself to groan in the pain on my back.

I looked up at him with the anger on his face. He was pinning my shoulders against the wall, "You need to fucking calm down. I get that you're angry, but you need to start controling it Jeydon. I never broke my promises, I-"

"You said you be around!" I snapped. "I don't mind if it's after a day I don't see you, or two days. I'm not that controling. As long as I hear from you! You haven't bothered even say 'Hi' to me for the passed four weeks! mmph -"

He covered my mouth, "Please just shut up, alright? I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you lately. I'm still around, and there when you need me to be. I just been busy with Ashley. You should atleast like the fact I'm happy, even with her. Instead of throwing my sandwich at me, you need to explain with words, not action."

I moved his hand away and pushed him out of the way. I turned and opened the door, "Don't bother talking to me if you're to busy for the friendship." Then I slapped the door after walking out.

When I got home, all I did was bury myself in my covers on my bed. I wanted to smoke some weed so bad. I couldn't knowing my parents took my weed, neither did I have any money. Just thinking, I left my bag at Charlie's, also the assignment. I groaned. Great. Now I have to bump into Charlie again to get my stuff back. I took my phone out of my pocket and txted him, 'I left my stuff there, mind giving them to me in the morning at school?' I set my phone down on the side table next to me. All I did was wanting to pass out and just rest.

As I stood up and slide off my shirt, I heard my phone vibrate off the table. When phones vibrate on things like the table, sounds like someone farted. Digusting comment weird comment, but it's true. I picked up my phone, seeing that Charlie replied. 'I'll come over tomorrow to give you a ride.' I started to get mad again. Why would he think it was okay to just give me a ride after today? I don't want to look like an idiot on the bus anyways knowing I didn't have my stuff. I sighed and texted him back, "Fine. But I'm still mad at you."

I set my phone back down. Next time it vibrates, I'm not answering it. I decided to take a nap, but I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day.

I woke up with the alarm making me gasp and fall out of my bed. The dream I had made me lose hope on life just then. I groaned and layed on the floor, pretending the wooden floor was actually comfortable. I looked infront of me for the plug for the alarm, I pulled it after mumbling, 'Shut the fuck up...' I had a dream of myself admitting to Charlie I was gay, then he had a gun pulled to my head. As when he shot me, the alarm woke me up. Oh the irony.

After taking a shower and getting ready, My phone vibrated then I heard it drop. "Shit!" I ran to it and picked it up. How long has my phone been virbrating lastnight, for it to end up to the edge? Looking through the messages, I had six text messages from him. Really?


Txt Msg 1: I'm sorry, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

Txt Msg 2: You should meet Ashley. She isn't that bad.

Txt Msg 3: Now you're ignoring me. Are you seriously that mad? I'll put more effort in this friendship. When I said I was busy, you took it the wrong way.

Txt Msg 4: You know I still care about you, Jeydon. I always will. You're a true friend out of everyone else. If you weren't around, I wouldn't know who to go to.

Txt Msg 5: I'm on my way.

Txt Msg 6: I'm close.

I sighed and shook my head. I put my phone in my pocket. I'll just talk to him in the car when he gets here. I heard the door bell rang. I wouldn't be surprised if I suddenly got nervous. As I went downstairs and opened the door, I missed how Charlie was standing there infront of me as he used to come over.

He had a weak smile, "Ready?" I sighed and nodded, then pushed on his chest lightly so I could step out of the house. While I was closing it and locking the door. I heard him sigh, "Please just forgive me, Jeydon. Did you read my texts?"

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, "Yes I-" I looked behind him and saw a head through the passanger's side window. I looked up at him, "is that Ashley in the car?" He bit his lip and nodded.

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