Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

- Charlie Heetness -

I heard a loud music playing, and I felt so tired. I woke up and realized something; I'm in the same bed naked with Jeydon Synner, the closest best friend I knew for two years. Then my brain awoke and also realized that my ringtone for my phone was ringing. "Shit!" I shot up out of the bed and looked around in Jeydon's room. I bent down and tried getting my phone out of the pocket of my pants. I looked at the caller ID, and as expected; it was my mom. Why did I fuck him, then fall asleep? I should have at least told my mom I would be at his place. I'm fucked. I quickly answered before it went to voicemail, "Hello?"

"Charlie! Where in the world are you?!" My mom screamed. She's scary when she's mad, so I flinched.


"You're in so much trouble, young man!"

I hated the phrase 'young man'. "I'm sorry, I-"

"Oh I don't know what to do with you!"

I sighed and started rubbing my eyes together with my fingers in frustration. This woman was not going to give up and let me talk, is she? My mom still continued with her angry words, "Mom, would you please listen?"

"Fine. Let's see what you have to say for yourself."


"Your father and I raised you better-"

"MOM! I'm sorry. Me and Jeydon were writing something for class, then we ended up falling asleep." I half lied.

"How stupid do you think I am?"

I sighed, "I'll come home. Just trust me on my words." I hung up.

"Was that your mom?" I was startled, and I looked behind me. Jeydon just woke up. He was sat up and rubbing his eyes. I smiled at the glow of cuteness I was seeing at the moment. 

"Um," I looked at my phone, then grabbed my boxers; sliding them on, "yeah, she's mad. I need to get home." I also didn't know what time it was. I looked at Jeydon's clock behind me by his bed. Damn, it's almost 10pm.

Jeydon was pretty quiet when I started getting back into my clothes. I would be as well, considering I just randomly made love to him. I couldn't help him, his confession made me thrilled. I always knew I was straight, always. I couldn't look at myself with other guys. I been close to Jeydon for two years, and just the way he is; I always felt this weird feeling or connection. I feel like such a cheesy person because of it.

"So...What are we now?" He asked and I slid on my shirt. I looked at him, starting to get on my silver belt; the kind from Hot Topic. I looked at him; he seemed confused, sad, and upset. I didn't like that look on his face.

I sighed and watched myself putting on my belt, "I don't know." I want to be with him, but I guess it's kind of awkward.

"W-Why did know.."

I looked at him. He was looking down himself playing with his fingers. I don't like him being upset, but damn he's adorable. I sighed and walked towards him. I leaned in and felt down his side and kissed his shoulder. "I want to be with you, only if you want to be with me." I moved my head back to look at his face. His face began to blush. I couldn't help myself to grin. 

"Why do you want to be with me? I thought you were straight, and to not have any attentions of me."

I sighed and sat down on the bed and scooted up to sit by him. I wrapped my arm around him, making him scoot against me. I kissed his head, "You make me un-straight because of the way you are. You're the one who somehow convinced me into loving you so much. Last night felt so good and right, I enjoyed making love to the right person. You mean everything to me, Jeydon." I lifted his head up to make him look at me, with my finger under his chin, "I mean that. Now no more questions." I moved my face closer to his. He quickly looked at my lips like he was ready. I began to chuckle; I tilted my head slightly, pressing my lips against his. As I moved my lips along with his, soft and slowly, It was so soft and perfect. I couldn't explain how I just wanted to keep going.

Usually when there is probably still some information I should tell him, he just enjoyed the idea of finally giving him this attention. It made me smile, and feel good about things. I feel bad though, for myself to break up with Ashley and go straight to my gay best friend. That has to be one messed up situation. 

Me and Jeydon were getting it on with the kissing. His fingers were slid into my hair, and he started grip my hair. I was starting to get turned on again, with his touch and lips. He was even still naked, damn. I started to slid my hands up his naked thigh, towards his naked ass cheek. When I squeezed it, his moan made me want more. I slid my tongue in his mouth, slowly laying himself down as I got on top. We were wrestling tongues in each other's mouths; I couldn't describe how good his tongue tasted.

He put his hands on my shoulder and pushed them up, making us break the kiss. We were breathing heavy, "Why'd you stop?" I tried going in with more, but he turned his head away.

He giggled, "You need to get home, you'll be in trouble."

I groaned and got off him, "Moms ruin everything!" I started putting my shoes on in a hurry, then swung my bag over my shoulder. I walked towards Jeydon, who was still naked, but under the covers, a peck on the lips. "Love you! I'll text you!" Then hurried out.

I didn't know how to explain everything that happened today, but it was something. Now what am I going to do with this situation? Should I ask him on a date, then ask him to be mine officially? What about my friends, then Ashley? Should I keep things a secret for awhile? This is what happens when I don't think things through. Why do I always do that?

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