Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I sighed heavy as me and Charlie were heading off to school in his truck. "I don't think I'm ready for showing off at school yet. I should have stayed home."

Charlie chuckled and grabbed my hand and laced our fingers, "It's going to be alright, baby. We'll get through this, I promise."

I nodded and squeezed my hand, and sighed heavily. So its been years hiding, well, only two so far. When I met Dylan, I knew I was gay. Then I met Charlie, and I knew I was really gay. My life is surely going to turn all around today. A new beginning, and I know Charlie would be the reason for a great new start. I never thought I'd be in his truck and holding his hand while he drives. Then finally rumors, true ones, going around saying that I'm gay, and that me and him are together. Then again, never mentioned anything pacific about me, except Charlie is with me. They'll probably think I'm gay or bisexual. I assume people will be asking me either or just put out how I'm against god.

I was born the way I was, maybe not from the start. They say 'They made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.' All I look at it is, they just needed Adam and Eve to start the whole human existence. Because of Adam and Eve, they would have genes those who like the opposite sex. Here I go explaining to those who are homophobic and talking about god. I'm not against god, nor is Charlie. I would know, because his dad is really into the god stuff. Charlie is sixteen and pouted because he wanted the little baby jesus statue. Did I mention he was a weirdo?

I could already see the school. My heart was racing and I swear I felt like my sight was going to blur out and I was going to faint. 

Charlie kissed my hand, "It'll be alright. I'll hold your hand through this. You won't be alone, and I'll be a man and stand up for you."

Why did Charlie have to be so sweet? For me to have to feel so much worry? Why must I fall in love with this man? He may be sixteen, but he's fully grown and acts so mature. He could know how to treat a lady. Does he know I have a long rod attached to me? Is he slow and stupid, or blind? Why is he putting himself in so much trouble for me?

We were parked into the parking lot, and I already felt like my heart sunk. I removed my hand from his and looked at the car door. Charlie took his keys out and I felt him looking at me. Should I open it? Or should I just convince Charlie for him to take me home? Well, I'm sure Charlie doesn't want to walk in there alone, and he wouldn't just take me back.

"Ready?" He asked.

I swallowed hard and nodded, then I got out of the car and closed him. I saw him do the same right after. I walked up to the sidewalk and he hurried by me and grabbed my hand. Once we passed the gate, it'll be official. No more hiding, everyone should know by now.

I looked down straight at the ground once me and him passed the gate. My heart was beating fast, and tightened my grip on Charlie's hand. I'm going to explode, I'm going to explode, I'm going to explode. 

I heard a familiar squeal, and looked up. "Finally!" Kareesa ran up to me and hugged me, nearly knocking me down. I groaned. Then she released from me and jumped on Charlie for a hug. Who would blame her? He's fucking tall. "Congrats you guys!"

I felt so nervous and dead. I looked around and people were looking at us and whispering. Some girls giggled and some guys looked at us disgusted or even pleased, and then even okay with it. I saw Felix and Keith come towards us, and even some of Charlie's friends.

"Nng.." I hid behind Charlie and peeked at them. Charlie chuckled. Shut up Charlie.

Keith laughed, "We're not going to hurt you, we just want to say congratulations."

I came out from behind Charlie and looked at his weird smiling friends. I swear from their faces they might be queers themselves.

Charlie chuckled and hugged Keith, "Thanks, man."

Kareesa smiled and cupped Keith's face and kissed him, "That was sweet of you, baby."

Who the fuck?

I looked up at Charlie for his expression side of this, and his face was historical, and he had an eyebrow up. "Who the -- Someone explain?" Charlie asked and I giggled.

Kareesa smiled at us, "Oh! Well, you guys had your romance, so did I." She looked at Keith, and she giggled as he chuckled and they smiled with kisses. 

I couldn't help but smile. What was I worried about? Charlie and I walked to class together holding hands, even gave each other a quick kiss. People were staring, but fuck them. Even on the way to lunch I got on Charlie's back, making him carry me. Felix and Holly were hitting it off pretty much. They were starting to like each other after Felix wanted to help her out with the hook up. Felix became a sudden straight british man dating a straight asian girl. Our table was like the couple group. Two straight couples, then one gay couple. I don't mind that at all. So basically everyone is happy, right? 

Except one thing.

"Put on the damn booty shorts!" He started chasing me around my house with the booty shorts in his hands. They weren't the jean kinds either. Remember me saying he liked the color purple? Guess what color they were.

"I will not! Ew! Get away!" I screamed, giggled loud, and stumbled. I'm not that kind of queer, damnit. No way I was going to wear those.

"Come on! They'll look delicious on you!"

"You're such a pervert! Go have Ashley wear them!"

"She has saggy ass and thighs! Yours are perfect!"

He finally tackled me to the ground. I groaned and giggled loud as he was tickling me. I started squirming, "C-Charlie! Enough!" He started taking my pants off and threw them aside. I screamed, "Stop!" I laughed, "Charlie!" He was holding me down so well, it was so pathetic. He finally was able to slide them on me, I just gave up.

"Ha! There!" He stood up, and looked down at me. I crossed arms and puffed my cheeks. He laughed, "Going to get up?" I shook my heads. "Alright! We'll do it the hard way." He bent down and lifted me over his shoulder.

I screamed, "Oh my god! Charlie!" I started hitting his back.

"I warned you." He started going upstairs.

"You did no such thing!"

He chuckled.

So, My life was finally complete, and I'm happy. I know Charlie is as well. My parents already knew about myself being gay, because I told them when I was with Dylan. Charlie pouted about the idea, he wanted me admit it when I'm dating him, he also didn't want to go through it aone. We did face his mom about it,and his mother was shocked, but she did accepted. She knows well enough people can't control on their likes, even with gay people. My parents aren't homophobic. However, it did take awhile for my father to process, but he accepted me. Charlie had a hard time telling his father. Since his father is religious. Charlie even broke down crying in front of him. It hurt me to see it though. Charlie's father is a tough man, but he's also smart. His father gave him a hug and said, "It's alright, son. I'll always love and accept the way you are. I want you happy." It put me a smile on my face. Everything was going smoothly, and there was nothing in mine and his way anymore. Except, I'll be starting college soon. I don't want to be like Dylan, and I won't ever be. Because I am different from Dylan, and Charlie is different from the relationship me and Dylan spent, it'll work. Charlie and I went through all this trouble together, it's a well good sign. I will make this last, and he's stubborn. We have many people having confidence in us, so god may help us.

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