Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

- Charlie Heetness -

"Charlie! Waaake up!" I groaned as my little ten year old sister was jumping on my bed.

I hit her with the pillow and she giggled when she fell on her butt. "Go awaaay!" I groaned.

She started shaking me, "Charlie! Mom made breakfast, up! Up! Up!"

"Nng..Alright, alright." I pulled the blanket over me. "Shew!"

I felt her weight off my bed and the thump like she jumped off, "Huuurrryy! Don't want her putting syrup all over you again!" Then I heard her presence out of my room.

I am too damn tired to get up. Once I sleep, then there is no way I want to wake up. Mom had to spill syrup on me last time, since the water, tickling, shaking, and jumping on the bed didn't work. One of my pet peeves are, being sticky. Syrup is disgustingly sticky.

I got downstairs like a zombie, making sure I wasn't a cluts while at it. I was counting down the steps like a handycapped person. This is what happens when I'm extremely tired. Last time I literally fell down the stairs. I got right back up like it didn't happen. Nothing can stop me! Except syrup. I sat down at the kitchen table across from my sister. There was eggs, bacon, toast, and then apple juice. Better than orange juice. I hate orange juice.

I took a bite of my eggs and sighed because of the well deliciousness in my mouth. Then my sister ruined it by farting. I looked at her with my eyebrows narrowed, "The heck. Did you just fart?" She began to giggle and did it again. "That is so freaking disgusting!" I took a half of my crust of bread and threw it at her. I kind of chuckled and smiled cause just the way she laughed. "Stooop! You're ruining my breakfast."

My sister Brittany, was short blonde, blue eyes, and really thin. She has a six pack for a ten year old. How does that even happen? She's also very random and disgusting. She's my world though, I love her. Me and her rarely fight. My friends call me weird because I'm the only one that gets along with my siblings. My brother lives with my dad in Arizona, thank goodness. Me and my brother get along sometimes, but that eleven year old can be a little prick.The only humans breathing in this house, is me, my mom and her fiance, then my sister. It's an alright envirement.

"Oh! Charlie!" My sister yelled. I don't know where my mom went, but I think she went upstairs to her room.

"Hm?" I looked at her as I chewed on my bacon.

"This girl at school calls me Britten. When I was going peepee in the stall, she came in the bathroom like 'I know you're in here Britten!'" She voiced the girl in a creepy tone.

I began to laugh, "What the donkey kong?"

She laughed, "Yeah! Then I was scared, I was like," Then she did a funny, scary faciel expresstion like she was on the toilet and I laughed, "Then my poop unsilenced the room and It went PLOP!"

I snorted and tried swollowing my bacon, "Nasty!" Got to love Brittany's stories.

After breakfast, I went back up into my room and looked at what time it was. it was almost 12pm. Maybe I could ask my mother if I could go see Jeydon. I hope she lets lastnight slide, she did say she'd just give me a warning. I picked up my phone to see if Jeydon texted me. I expected Ashley to have texted me aswell.

Ashley's Text: Can we please meet up somewhere? I miss you. I want to talk to you.

I sighed. I kind of feel bad now. Should I ask Jeydon to be mine? Isn't it too quick? I'm dealing with Ashley as well and I don't know what to do. I do love Jeydon over her. I knew Jeydon more than her. I looked at the next text.

Jeydon's text: I miss yooou. :'( I hope I see you today or I'll beat your mom with the syrup.

I laughed and smiled. Yeah, I sure do love this boy a lot more.

- Jeydon Synner -

Charlie's text: LOL. I'll try my best baby. I miss&love you.

I smiled and put my phone on the side table. My grades were probably sent to the mail already, so I started heading out the door and across the street. On my way, there was a girl that looked familiar. Wait, is that Holly? Surprised I could reconize her, asians always look the same. I don't mean to offend or be racist.

She turned and looked at me after looking through her mail. She gasped, "Jeydon? Oh wow! I didn't know we lived in the same neighborhood!" She came up to me and hugged me. I barely even knew her, except the introducing. I guess it's alright with the hug, she seems nice. I'm sure Charlie would even be jealous if he was here. he'd pout for the first hug from an asian. Such an asian freak.

I patted her back, "I didn't know either."

She broke the hug and smiled at me. She moved hair from her face that wind was blowing, "How are you? How is Charlie?"

I wonder if Kareesa or Felix said anything. "Um, We're alright. I just came to check the mail for my grades."

"That's what I did as well! I don't want my parents to see. I don't want to risk it, but turns out I'm actually passing."

I raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were new."

"Oh." She bit her lip. "I forgot that I wasn't suppose to say anything. Okay well, Felix just wanted that whole 'I'm a new student thing' so he could hook me and Charlie up."

My eyebrows went up, "Wait, what?"

She shrugged and looked away, "Felix said that he's been looking at me a lot, like more attention towards me than Ashley. So he knew he'd eventually break up with Ashley." She smiled at me, "Which he did. So I might actually have my luck. I do like Charlie. He's insanely gorgeous and sweet."

My feelings started going numb, but I think it was jealous and being angry. "Oh. Why wouldn't Felix say anything?"

She shrugged, "Felix thought you'd might spill the beans to Charlie. Okay I better hurry and go before my parents think I been kidnapped." She started walking away quickly, she waved back at me, "See ya!"

I watched her walk away, then imagined a truck running over her. Mean? Good. Charlie is mine. I walked up to the mail box and started to unlock it. Why would Felix do something like that? But, he did probably plan the hook up before he found out I was in love with him. This is all messed up. I'm going to have to tell Charlie now. I think it's stupid to have said she was a new student though.

I took out the mail and saw the adress from my school and began to open it. Looking at my grades, I'm passing. I sighed in releif. I'm going to graduate just fine then. I'm still more stressed out though. I feel like I should go easy on Holly. I doubt she knows what's going on. I should probably explain it to her. Actually, I prefer not to. I don't really know her all that well yet. I don't want to 'spill the beans' about me being gay, then me and Charlie. Me and Charlie aren't prepared to let things out. We not be officially together, but we seem like we're together. I'm going to tell Kareesa everything, just her. She's the only person I go to other than Charlie. I decided to tell her.

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