Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I couldn't get Charlie off my mind once he dropped me off at home, leaving me end up lay on my bed with positive dreamy thoughts. I didn't know what to think. He held my hand all the way through the drive. For a straight guy, does he hold guy's hands when he's trying to comfort them? Does a straight guy comfort another guy at all? I wouldn't know, I'm not straight. I feel like I'm becoming oblivious over something. My heart raced and I was speechless when he held my hand. When I looked at him, he had a calm expression. Was he used to holding other peoples hands? I feel worried, but yet stupid. I want to think, that maybe he only liked the idea of holding my hand. Even possibly having a thing for me. Maybe Charlie is just that nice. Kareesa probably would be slapping the back of my head by now. I think he does have a thing for me. I just smiled to sleep with that thought. Is Charlie hiding something from me? I feel there's more common sense to this situation.

I was still grounded from my car, so Charlie continued on taking me to school or dropping me off. Ashley has been trying to get to know me, even though it's probably obvious I'm not interested. I bet Charlie even mentioned how stubborn I can be with new people. Here I am a senior, hanging out with a sophomore, that I am deeply in love with. Then Ashley, that's a junior. Kareesa is a senior, most likely the only person I'd hang out with. I'd hang out with my friend Bailey, but she's spending time with her family somewhere around the state for the whole block. Felicity and Liam, those two started dating. They're like Charlie and Ashley, only pay attention to each other.

The lunch table was just me and Kareesa, once again. Then Charlie bumped sat right next to me. I looked at him with a confused look.

"What? I can't sit here?"

"Well, it's a bit weird since you haven't sat with us for awhile. Why aren't you with Ashley?" Kareesa talked for me.

He shrugged and stabbed one pea and ate it, "She had something to do with cheerleading. I could careless about that stuff."

Then suddenly, Felix bump sat next to Kareesa. My eyebrow went up, "This table turning into a party?" It was weird how suddenly people started sitting with me and Kareesa. Charlie used to sit with us, as well as Felicity, Liam, and Bailey. Which slowly faded after awhile. It got to the point where me and Kareesa got used to it. Now it's just a bit odd.

"Oh, hush. He probably wouldn't be alive or sitting with us if it weren't for me." He continued eating those peas. How does he do it? Gross.

"What do you mean?" Kareesa asked.

"The jocks started bullying me because they found out my orientation. So that's how me and Charlie met." Felix explained.

"Ooh, I see. So that's why you guys been eating together and hanging out a lot."

Charlie's eyebrow raised, "Why does it matter that we're hanging out? Stalking us too?"

"Reveeeenge!" I threw a pea at Kareesa.

Charlie laughed, "What was that about?"

Felix smiled and chuckled at me.

"Not telling you, nasty pea eater." I said to Charlie.

When I heard Felix told me that he was getting bullied because of his orientation, it got me to the point on why I wasn't out in the open. Except, for Charlie to even stand up to him like that, I became a little less worry on what Charlie thinks. I see Charlie laughing and having a good time with Felix. Maybe...I should tell Charlie. I'm so afraid though.

When school ended, Charlie said he wanted to hang with Ashley for a bit before he drove me home. Kareesa decided to stick around with me, even though it would cause her to miss the bus. She probably thought that Charlie would be nice enough to take her home.

Me and Kareesa sat on the bleachers and watched the football players play. I'm in less interest into football. It was funny how hard they were trying though. I like how they fly in the air after being tackled. I'm just so evil.

Kareesa was staring at her crush that was on the football team, Keith.

"You have bad taste, you know that?" I looked at her with pity.

She pushed on my shoulder, but not to hard to end up making me flying. "You're the one in love with a straight guy."

"Hey guys!" Me and Kareesa shut our heads to the direction of who was calling us.

"Felix, what are you doing here?" Kareesa asked as Felix sat next to me.

"Well, my ride is here. I can't get it unless his football practice is over," He pointed down at the team, "See that guy down there, in the number twelve?"

Kareesa looked down, "Yeah, that's Keith."

"Oh, so you do know him. He's my brother."

"What?!" Me and Kareesa yelled.

"How is he your brother?" I asked.

Felix shrugged, "Our parents are divorced. I went with my mom to England, my dad stayed with Keith here. Then my mother found someone I didn't like, so I asked her to move me down here."

"Was he one of the jocks that were bullying you?" Kareesa asked.

Felix shook his head, "He actually apologized for them being assholes. They didn't know I'm his brother. Still shouldn't pick on someone like that."

"See, I don't have bad taste."

 I shook my head and just watched how Charlie and Ashley were walking on the side of the field, "I still don't like the taste."

"You're straight right?" Felix asked. I feel like it's one of those things people come by and ask to see if there could be some sort of hook up. Felix is bisexual, but I still wasn't sure on going around telling people I was gay. At the point, It's probably no point on hiding things.

"I'm straight. I like Kareesa's jugs." I peeked at Kareesa. She smacked the back of my head and I groaned. I rubbed my head, "F-fuck!"

Felix laughed loud enough, my ear was hurting. "Someone is a pervert."

I looked down, the same time that Charlie and Ashley kissed. Something struck in me, it was the demon. I could feel like my eyes were turning red and my fangs were going to come out. I was going to turn into a monster and rip Ashley's head off. Then my emotional side also mixed with it. I didn't want to seem like a bitch, because they'll think I am since Kareesa smacked me. I tried ignoring the hurt and anger feeling that wanted to control me so much.

"I don't think they'll last long." That made me look at Felix when he said that. I feel like he knew what I was thinking, to give me hope on what he just said.

"What? How come?" Kareesa questioned.

He shrugged, "I been seeing him pay attention to another person a lot lately."

My eyes widen, "Wait, who?"

"I can't tell yoooou!" Felix sat up, "I have to go, my ride is leaving me!" Felix started running away and off the bleachers.

I groaned. I couldn't beg him to tell me, or else It'll be fishy.

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