Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Damn, It's been so long since I saw this." I felt the same thing as Charlie just said. Sitting and watching the sunset. We were alone at the beach, after the group of two children and their dad just left. 

I looked at Charlie. He held himself up, with his arms back. His legs were always criss-crossed when he would sit. He always had discomfort having his legs out, (other than a chair) but he would do it sometimes. I looked down and away from him. I was just sitting, with my knees up against my chest, watching how the waves try and capture my toes.

"Something on your mind?" I peeked at him, then turned my head a little more to see him more. His hair wasn't really as messed up, but I liked how it swayed with the wind. His hazel eyes and how he looked at me made my heart drop. He had a mouth dropping smooth looking chest.

I bit my lip and looked away, "I'm fine. I just agree on it, in my head."

"Do you still not remember when how I met you when we were little?"

I shook my head, "I still don't remember." He used to always tell me how we met when we were little kids, but I could never recall. Yet, how he described me as a little kid, It was right and other parts I couldn't remember.

"Well, I'll remind you again, the probably sixth time." He said, then I rolled my eyes. "The first time I saw you, was on this beach. I was nine, so you were probably about ten, or eleven. I don't see how you don't remember. It seems like a decent age to have good memory."

"Oh put a needle in your ass cheeks, you forgot how you got whacked by an old lady after one day."

"I seriously don't remember that. Are you sure you're not messing with me? It seems like something I would remember."

I smiled and tried not to laugh, what an idiot. "I don't feel like hearing it again."

He whined, "But why? You should hear it everyday. It might help you suddenly remember, so you can tell your side of the story."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll never remember. It probably wasn't true and you dreamt it."

He didn't reply back, he suddenly went quiet. I looked at him, he was looking at the sunset. Was he thinking? He didn't look happy. I was concerned. "Do you...think I might die young?"

My eyebrow raised, "What?"

He smiled and shook his head, "Nothing, Nothing" He started to stand up.

"No wait!" I stood up. "Why are you asking me this?"

"It was just a curious opinion, it's nothing. I'll drop you off at your place. Ashley might get mad me for not arriving at school for her ride."

I frowned. Why'd he take all this time with me, when he knew it was going to get Ashley mad? It doesn't matter. I want to know why Charlie had that mysterious question. "Charlie, you know how I get mad when I don't get an answer. I'm not going anywhere until you flat out tell me what's going on!" My voice broke at the end.

He looked at me with a calm look and tone, "I did already answer your question. It was just a curious opinion. I wouldn't die, not without you." He turned and started walking up the sand.

Why does he always say these things? it's just going to end up hurting me more. Even the fact how he ignored me for the passed four weeks after getting with Ashley.

"You don't mean that..."

He stopped and turned his head to look at me, "Don't mean what?"

"About not dying without me."

He sighed, "Jeydon, don't start with this negativity. Let's just hurry and start leaving. My parents will probably get pissy."

I just stood there, watching him walking. The question kept rising in my head. 'Do you...think I might die young?' - 'I wouldn't die, not without you.' I can't take this anymore. I ran up to him and bumped my face against his back. I wrapped arms around him tightly and dug nails into his lower part of his chest. I layed my forehead against his back, my hair hiding my face.


"Listen!" It stayed quiet for awhile, until I knew he was going to listen. I clenches my teeth, holding back my tears, then sighed. It sounded like a stutter sigh; a stutter small cry of breathe. I know my nails were dug deeply in his chest, and it was probably hurting him. I wanted him to know how much pain I'm also feeling though, for the more of my emotions. "Don't ever ask me a question about you dying. You made it seem like you were hiding something when you asked, then tried pushing it aside. Don't give me that shit on 'I couldn't die, not without you' shit." I clenched my teeth, I knew my eyes were weakening on what it was about to do. My nails dug deeper. "You don't know one fucking hint on how much I care about you. Being away from you for four weeks was hard, so hard. Then after so long of this moment with you, you had to ask me this question? I-"

He grabbed my hand from his chest and turned around. He pulled me against my chest hard, his arms around me. The sudden movement shocked me, but neither did it stop me for snuggling into his chest. He sighed, and I could feel his breathing against my head, "I'll promise to not let us grow apart again." He kissed my head.

I blushed brightly, making my last tear drop. I feel like this is one of those romance movies. Except, why is Charlie going along with this? I am a guy after all, and he's kissing my head? Including the fact he's holding me, letting me snuggle into his arms as I cry on his chest. I didn't feel embarrassed at all. His warm chest was helping me feel less weak, and less worried. Neither was this the first time he held me. This is making Charlie look less straight. However, he is the caring type, I doubt he wouldn't care on who he was holding. He could hold a fat man, even if he couldn't bring his arms all around her. One of the reasons why I loved him so much. Though, I only want him to hold me.

All I did was just stood there, the wind was blowing cold. I didn't feel it, except the warmth of him. I could just stand here and fall asleep. I felt his chuckle, "I can feel your slow breathing on my chest. You going to fell asleep in my arms like you did last time when Ruby died from her murderous father, and you were sobbing because the weed you took?"

"Nng...just stay a little loner. I'm so tired and stressed."

I gasped as he picked me up by my thighs, then wrapped my legs around his waist. I had no choice to wrap my arms around his neck,  then laid my chin on my arm; looking over his shoulder. "W-what are you doing?"

"Well, I have to make you go to the car with me. I know you to well on your stubborness."

I just smiled and buried my face into his neck. For some reason, I have a very good feeling.

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