Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

All I did was stay out of the lunch room. I sat in the big stall in the mens restroom, my knees to my chest. My mind was swirling on many reasons of what I've just saw. Was Charlie putting more room for the new boy than for me? Am I just being to dramatic about this? Maybe I am...

I decided to just get up and face it. If this is how Charlie is going to do things, then fine. He wouldn't take the time to be friends with me, but it's alright to hang out with Felix? Felix is bisexual after all. He might steal Charlie. I started walking out the restroom and then bumped into something, that made me fall to the floor...hard.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I landed on the floor.

"Oh, Jeydon. Sorry! I was looking for you."

I opened my eyes, and saw Charlie reaching down at me to grab his hand. Just looking at him, then his hand, then back at him. Should I grab his hand? Or should I just pick my own ass up?

"Don't bother. It's fine." I picked my own ass up.

Charlie looked at me like he expected that, moving his hand by his side. "I heard you didn't feel good. So I went looking for you, to see if you were alright."

"I Got balls, not clits. I'll be alright." I walked passed him, to head towards the lunch room. I needed to talk to Kareesa on what I was on my mind. I couldn't just let her hanging for long.

"I was also going to say, you should skip the rest of school with me. Come with me somewhere."

I stopped for a moment and thought. Was he serious? He's to much of a goody to even have an idea of skipping school. I used to always beg him to skip with me. I turned my head to look at him. He had his serious mask on his face. So he was serious. Like hell would I go skip school with him now.

I actually ended up in his truck. I sighed with my arms crossed, looking out the window, "Where are we going?"

"It won't be much of a surprise, so you should just guess."

The car just suddenly went quiet. I wanted to ask him about Felix. At the same time I was afraid to.

He broke the silence, "So you actually walked all the home yesterday?

I sighed and watched the trees go by out the window, "My neighborhood is only across from yours."

He chuckled, "I thought weed only made you want to walk 'so far'."

I looked at him, I punched him arm, "Are you mocking me?"

He gasped and rubbed his arm, "Hey now. I'm the driver. One of the safety rules is to never abuse the driver. I'm responsible for your death."

I had to smile, I made him gasp in pain. I sound so mean, I cause just how he reacted made it cute. Not the pain, but his reaction.

I looked forward; the road looked familiar. Wait. I rolled my eyes. I knew where he was going.

"You know what you remind me of?"


"A girl."

I hit his arm again. He gasped, "Sorry! I Take it back!"

I laughed, I just couldn't help myself.

"What an ass face. Don't laugh!"

I just giggled, didn't realize until it happened, "Not my fault you're fun to mess with."

He whined as he rubbed his arm. I just smiled and looked out the window. As I looked out the window, we already arrived. The Beach. First trying to find me, then actually risking the skip school, now the beach? Is he trying to get out friendship back? I guess I'm starting to not get so mad anymore. Except, it depends what'll happen at our time at the beach.

We parked and Charlie was quickly out than I was. He was always the excited type. Also in another excited way. He's a pervert. When I got out, he came behind me and grabbed my hand rushing me towards the sand.

"Come on!" He was tugging to hard, I almost tripped.

I couldn't help to laugh. He's always so excited like a little kid. "Don't rush me!"

Looking around, there weren't as much people at all. Well duh, considering most of them are in school. The view was beautiful though. It always has been so beautiful. It's California for you. Me and Charlie always used to quickly come to the beach and sit, watching the sunset. Charlie showed me old pictures of how he always drew sunsets when he was a kid, I shared him mine. He took one of mine and hung it on his wall. He made me hang one of his on my wall, he basically threatened me. If taking my iPod and putting it in his pants is threatening.

Charlie let go of my hand when we were close to the water. He quickly kicked off his converse and took off his socks, hopping on one foot, then the other. He slid off his shirt and twirled around as he reached the water, as he was going more in it. I thought it was stupid and weird, but couldn't help to not smile and laugh. I just stood there, arms crossed, looking at him. There was no way I was going in there.

He finally stopped and looked at me. He tried splashing water at me, but it couldn't even reach from how far he was from me. Dumbass. "Come on! It's not that cold!"

I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I'll just watch you have fun." I looked at his bear chest. He wasn't that tan, or that pale, but he was white. His abs didn't show as much, but they were showing a little bit. I like he doesn't show to much muscle, to much muscle is gross. His stomach looked smoothly flat, and his chest looked nicely shaped. He had nice shoulders, and how it goes well up his neck. Before I noticed, he was in front of me.

He chuckled, "You checking me out?"

I blushed and pushed on his shoulder. It was so wet. "No! Go back and get drowned!"

He laughed, "So feisty." He walked up to me and grabbed the side ends of my shirt. I became to feel my face heat up more. "Come on, join Charles"

I slapped his hands away, "I don't want to!"

He sighed, "I guess I have no choice"

An eyebrow goes up, "What? Yo-"

He picked me up over his shoulder and I screamed. "You continue to squirm and try to make me put you down, I'll be the one drowning you."

I pouted and reached down and hit his back, "That isn't fair!"

He started tossing me in the water once he walked far in it with me over his shoulder. I was not as mad, but I couldn't help myself to laugh. I was soaked in my own clothes, so it felt weird. He laughed at me, then I took off my shirt. He goes "Oh fuck!" as I started to chase him trying to whack him with it. When I swung, he actually dodged it by tripping in the water. Then he tackled him, which my scream and laughter broke from me. I haven't had this much fun in such a long ass time. If it weren't for Ashley, I wouldn't have to think about that.

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