Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I wrinkled my nose and sniffed. I felt very uncomfortable now. I was thinking a lot on the way home. I was speechless, and even concerned on my own actions. I didn't think I would end up making love to Jeydon, and now I'm getting into deep shit with my mom. I swallowed hard thinking about the sex. I think Jeydon and even I feel like it went quicker than us thinking about the whole situation. I'm still speechless, and wouldn't doubt he wasn't. I was close to being home. Wasn't far since Jeydon's neighborhood is just across from mine. I feel like I should just go around the neighborhood a couple times or buy something nice for my mom so she won't kick my balls to a wall.

It was too late, she was outside waiting for me. She had her arms crossed with her phone in her hand. She calls my step-dad on how angry she is on everything. I wouldn't doubt she just finished talking with him. I parked my car in the drive-way, turned off the engine, and got out of the car with my stuff preparing for the worse.

I tried going towards the front door without looking at her. "It's almost 11pm! You can't be anywhere unless it involves with permission!"

I sighed in annoyance and started opening the front door, I felt her pressence following. "I know, we fell asleep."

"How would you fall asleep?"

I shrugged, "Just happened, I guess." As long I go mellow on her yelling, she'll eventually give in; hopefully.

"Alright, I'm giving you a warning. You're not usually like this."

I smiled and turned to kiss her cheek, "Thanks mom. You can always trust me."

She smiled, "Mhm."

I chuckled and headed my happy ass upstairs. That actually went smoothly.

- Jeydon Synner -

I was blushing like a fucker as I was staring up at the ceiling. I was still naked, with my square pathered covers covering me. How the fuck did this even happen? I didn't want him to leave, I just want to keep going on rounds. I was insanely happy. I removed the pillow from by me and smashed it onto my face. I was smiling like a queer I am. Should I tell Kareena and Felix? I need to still talk to Charlie with some things though as well.

I stood up and got out of bed in a stumble. Stupid ass bed. I kicked it's side and walked to my side table and looked at my phone. Should I text him? Damn straight I should.

I texted him: 'Got into trouble at all?'

I feel like running around naked. Actually, I'm going to do that. My parents are gone until next weekend. I started heading downstairs, WITH NO CLOTHES. I walked into the kitchen, WITH NO CLOTHES. What if my parents put up camera around the house because they thought I'd actually throw a party? Even though they said they trust me, it can be testy. Seeing me naked on their cameras will want to make them take them back. I chuckled to myself and smiled.

I opened the fridge, and looked at the clock above the oven. Damn, it's 11pm. I'm wide awake though. I should have some cerael naked. When I bent down to reach the milk, I felt a vibration in my hand. This is really dirty. I took out the milk and set it onto the counter.

I looked at the text: Nah. She actually let it slide. She said it was a warning lol.

I smiled and texted: Good. I don't want you into trouble, I want you here.

I fixed the rest of the ingrediance on making cereal. Coco Puffs, delicious. I sat down at the kitchen table to start my enjoyment on eating cereal naked. I wonder how things will go with me and Charlie. I feel like thanking Dylan for popping his ass up at my school. Wait, I didn't get an answer on why he came.

I got a text from him: I see you want to go on another round. lmao.

I smiled and then laughed. Texting him: Maybeeee. Oh why was Dylan at our school by the way?

- Charlie Heetness -

- Flashback -

I was heading inside the school entrance, since Coach let me go. I was his TA (Teacher's Assistance) for his PE class. The bell was going to ring soon and I didn't have anything to help him with, since they're watching a movie on Health now. I looked to my left and saw, Dylan? Isn't that a friend of Jeydon's? I thought he was in College. What's he doing here? I met him during the football game last school year. Jeydon came along with me because I asked him to. I didn't want to be alone when I had be the ride for my girlfriend, since it is cheerleading. Then after the game, him and Dylan picked a fight at the parking lot. At first I thought they both were just head off to get some drinks. Then I caught them yelling at each other from a distance at the parking lot.

"Fuck You!" I heard Jeydon yell. "I can do better!"

"Oh, I bet you can!" Dylan walked off, looking all pissed.

What the shit even happened? I walked up to Jeydon to ask if he was alright. He told me that he was fine and to not ask. I shrugged it off and manage to bring the smile on his face back.

Dylan walked up to me like he reconized me. "Hey," He smiled, "Charlie right?"

I smirked and looked at him, then I wrinkled up my nose and sniffed. The familiar black hair that would flip over his forehead, and his pierced lips with bright blue eyes. He was pretty thin as well, with some muscle. He was as the same height as me. "Yeah. You're dylan?" I answered.

He rubbed the back of his head, as if he felt awkward. "Uh, yeah. Do you know what class Jeydon is in?"

I raised an eyebrow up, "Planning on inturrupting?"

I laughed nervously, "I guess that's what I was thinking. Well, I kind of miss him and wanted to see him before I head off to Michigan. I'm moving there with my boyfriend."

I wrinkled up my nose and stiffed, "Boyfriend, huh? I can go ahead and tell him for you, if you want?" He was gay?

He smiled and nodded, "I'd really appriciate it."

"Alright." I started to walk away, but he stopped me.

"Wait!" I stopped and looked at him. "Are you two together now?"

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You know, You and Jeydon?"

I laughed, "What? We're straight man. Even though you're with a guy, doesn't mean we were."

He began to laugh at me back, "I guess he didn't tell you he's actually gay." He rubbed the back of his head again, nervously. "I probably should have said anything. I thought he'd do something by now."

I stood there looking at him. I felt my eyes was puffing out in shock. "What are you talking about?"

He put his hands in his pocket, "Me and Jeydon used to date for about a year and six months. He wasn't ready to get out of the closet, so we kept it a secret for that long."

"You're Lying."

He shook his head, "No lie at all, all truth."

I felt a urge on my side direction, I looked up from the stairs and saw Jeydon. He looked startled now that I spot him and quickly walked off. Should I trust this Dylan guy? But then, when he told me he was gay at my house, hee seemed startled on my long answer he probably freaked out and did a quick save. I started to get upset. Why would he keep this from me? He knows that I'm not a homophobic. Doesn't he?

Dylan sighed, "I'll go ahead and get off. Make sure you tell him, alright? Oh, don't take it to hard on him now that you know." Then he walks off.

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