Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I felt uncomfortable on my way to school. I was sitting in the back seat while Charlie and Ashley were in the front; Charlie was driving. I did get my stuff back, thinking about the assignment, I didn't really have the mood to write about Charlie at all. Everything between me and him, including the two years of history we had, it was officially fading. All the negativity and anger were rolling around in my mind. If I couldn't admit my sexuality on being gay, and the fact I'm in love with him. I really don't mind at least being friends with him, but falling apart from the friendship wasn't something I would accept.

"So, You're Jeydon? Charlie has mentioned you a few times." Ashley turned her head to smile at me. I didn't know what expresstion to give her. I just stared at her blanky, not in any interest. 

I looked away and unzipped my bag, acting like I was doing something I rather be doing, "Is that so?"

"He told me how close you guys were. Maybe you and Charlie should go somewhere to hang out tonight." I looked up at her in the sudden choice of words. She looked at him, for him to agree on it.

Charlie sighed, "We should. How bout it, Jeydon?"

His sigh of less interest got me into a bad mood again, "If you don't want to, then I rather not." I sounded mean.

I saw Ashley turn her head forward, as if she was startled on my tone. The car went silent for a moment.  I saw Charlie's expresstion on his face through the rear view mirror. He didn't look to happy, he seemed mad. I couldn't help to smile. That's what he gets for making me mad.

"No. We're going. I'll even make you." Charlie said, trying to make a steady tone.

"Where do you plan on going?" I asked.

"I'll think about it."

We arrived at the school. Kareesa ran all the way to me once I stepped on the campous.

"Jeydon! Jeydon!" She tried going to a stop, but her hug almost made me tumble back.

"Umph! Hey!" I wrapped my arms around her waist, as her arms were around my neck; hugging. I saw Charlie over her shoulder, glaring at me? Maybe us. He was holding Ashley's hand while he was at it.

Kareesa broke the hug, "There's a new boy! He's from England. I didn't really get his name, any other info other than what I just said - BUT...I believe he's the kind of guy for you."

I raised and eyebrow, "Do I not have any say?" I started walking towards the front school doors.

She followed by me, "I know you're having difficult time with Charlie. That is why I want to help you to try and get your thoughts off him. He's not worth your time of thought, Jeydon."

I was to stubborn to think so. I couldn't just let Charlie go. Maybe it was easy for Charlie to let me go, but I actually have true feelings for him. I was still curious on who this new boy is.

I sighed, "Who is he? Show me."

"Ha! I knew you'd be interested."

I shook my head, "No, No, No. I'm just curious on what he looks like."

We headed towards our lockers. Hers was next to mine, which was how we met.

As I opened my locker, Kareesa started shaking my shoulder, "Look! Look!" I turned my head, looking on where her eyes were directed.

He looked actually pretty decent. He had short hair, that was black. His hair was not to short either, it was like in a scene/emo way. I couln't explain that well on his haircut. He a piercing on his lip as well. He looked as if he was the same height as me. 

Kareesa nudged me a few times, "Eeey? Eeey?"

I rolled my eyes and took the stuff out of my locker I needed, then closed it. "You're so full of yourself." I walked passed her to my Calculus Class.

"Oh I know you like him!" She followed. Sadly, she had the same class.

I would have assumed it was my luck, knowing the whole new kid comes to the school. Then something happens along the storyline of this new kid I meet. I doubt since I'm gay, something romantic would go on. So, the new kid had the same class.

"Everyone, I hope you welcome Felix Gwen. He isn't a Senior, he's a Sohphomore. Knowing he is from United Kingdom, I'm sure he's well ontop of his math game." Mr. Byol announced.

I think he just mocked the United States. Since most of us are just fat stupid people. Many try to hard here, so it ends up most likely into failure. Mr. Byol assigned Felix to the emty seat by me. I should have expected that. That seat sometimes haunts me, the one he's sitting in. There used to be a girl who sat there, but says on the news was, she was killed by her own father. The school had so much attention to it, I felt so bad. Charlie held me close then, I was on weed, so I was sobbing. Charlie didn't realized I was on weed untill I told him. The idea made me smile, since he thought it was a serious thing when he held me.

"Hey Felix, I'm Kareesa." I turned my head and looked at Kerssa who was sitting by him from the other side. She was whispering to talk to him? I rolled my eyes.

"Oh uh, hi. Pleasure to meet you." Felix whispered back.

I always used to be drawn to british accents. "Would you guys shut it?" I whispered at them.

"Don't mind Jeydon over there, he can be an ass." Kareesa warned.

I looked away from then and at Mr. Byol writing some things on the board,"Proud of it."

Few classes were finally over, which lead towards lunch. I really wasn't hungry. I needed weed pretty bad though. On the way to the lunch room, Kareesa came up behind me and locked her arm around mine.

"So, what do you think?"

I looked at her with an eyebrow, "Think of what?"

She rolled her eyes, "Felix Qwen."

I shrugged and I stopped before I entered the lunch room, "He's alright I guess."

She unlocked her arm around me and looked at me, "Well, I found out he's sixteen and that he might be bisexual."

I didn't really seem interested to be honest. He looks cute, but I couldn't find myself even drawn to him. I have a hard time believing on, if I gave him a chance, I'll just end up counting on Charlie in the end. I'm still not over Charlie, it's called being 'In Love'.

"Jeydon? Are you alright?" She snapped her fingers infront of my face. "Your thinking is taking over again."

I sighed and shook my head, "Sorry. I'm not hungry. So, I'll just meet you at our table, alright?"

She frowned slightly and nodded, "Alright, but after we need to talk. You seem down."

I nodded then started to walk in the lunch room, as I did; I saw Felix and Charlie sitting next to eachother to a table. They were laughing and smiling at eachother. I wasn't just shocked, my anger grew.

Kareesa probably noticed I suddenly froze, of course. "Jeydon, What's Wro-" She probably knew what I froze about. "Is that?"

I nodded, then clenched my jaw. "Yeah."

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