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I watched as the love of my life fell to the ground. The bullet went in his stomach. Blood was everywhere.

"JACOB!" I screamed as I ran to him. "It's gonna be's gonna be OK."

I looked at Treyvon with the meanest face ever!


"Lol, I doub't you will." he laughed walking away. I looked down at the unconscious Jacob and called 911.....god please help me...idk what I'd do if Jacob will I go on? how will me and the kids go on? how am I gonna tell the kids?! their only fucking 5!

The ambulance finally got here and took Jacob. I followed them to the hospital hoping and praying that my Jacob's alright....damn, this is all my fault. If I were never messing with Adalyenn, she never would be pregnant and Jacob wouldn't have gotten shot. smh.


It took HOURS! I wanna know if he's alive! finally a nurse came out and walked to me. I shot up.

"Well???????????????" I asked.

"he's fine sir, he;s just lost a lot of blood," she said. "but we have blood supplies."

Oh thank god!

"Can I go and see him?"

"Sorry sir, he need to rest," she said. "But you can come tomorrow and see him."

Fuck that, I wanna see him now!

"I wanna see him now! right now!" I said walking down the hall.

"Sir you can't do that!" I heard he nurse say. Fuck her, I wanna see my baby.

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." a guy said.

"Nigga back the fuck up!" I said.

"Sir you can't see him right now, he needs to rest." another guys said. I sighed and gave up. Fuck it then.....I'll just wait till morning. I went home and got the kids from Ms. Perez.

"Daddy? where's mommy?" asked X. Should I tell them?

"Um...guys, mommy wans't feeling so good, he's in the hospital but don't worry he's fine he's just resting."

"OK." they said.

"Dad, can we stay up late tonight?" Alianna asked. "Today Friday!"

"Idk 'bout that baby girl," I laughed. "Maybe when you guys are a little bit older like say........16, 17 then you can."

"Aw man.."  she sighed.

"Fuck!" X said. 0_0

"Aye! boy!" I frowned at him.

"Sorry Dad sorry." he said and laughed.

"It's not funny."

I put the kids to bed and went into the bedroom. I thought about Jacob and what he could be doing....I swear that Treyvon fucker is gonna wish he never messed with me.......he's REALLY gonna wish....

Fuck My Disability! (Book 2)✔Where stories live. Discover now