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It's been a whole damn week since me and Jacob talked since that night. I sighed as I sat up in bed. . . . .alone. Jacob stayed in the guest room the whole week. I miss him. It was SO wrong of me to smack him. he just made me angry. How dare he say he's not my son, he is my son. I know he is. . . . .eventhough he doesn't really look like me like that but he's still mines. I got up, showered and got dressed for work. I work as a science teacher now. You know I LOVE animals. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jacob eating and feeding the babies. He looked at me but didn't say anything. I sighed and walked to him.

"Look, Jacob please can we just-?"

"I don't wanna talk." he said.

"Why not?" I asked. "We need to talk about this!"

"Well I don't! I said don't talk to me and leave me alone."

"It's been a week already Jacob!" I said yelling a bit.

"I don't care." he continued feeding the babies and eating.

"Where's my food?" I asked looking around the kitchen.

"Idk." he said. "You can get something from the store." I sighed in anger. I just left the house kissing the babies and left. I went to the store to buy me a bagel with cream cheese and jelly and  a cool drink of lemonade. I drove to the school and walked into my class. I saw that Alana, my brightest student was waiting. She's always under me, I think she may have a crush on me. Everyone here know's I'm gay and so does my students and even Alana but  guess she's not believing it.

"Good morning Mr August." she said with a little bit of pink on her cheeks.

"Good morning Alana, you know you could be in the lunchroom? school doesn't start yet for another 20 minutes.

"I know, bu I rather be here. . ..with you." 

This girl. I sighed mentally and opened the door. She's too young for me I'm 24 and  she's like 17.

"So what do you have planned Mr August?" she asked sitting at her desk. I laughed.

"Well, were gonna learn all about bugs and the buy that were gonna look closely on are  spiders."

"Ew. . . . .so anyway. . . .you have a girlfriend?" 

Oh boy here we go.

"No I told you I was gay, and I have a husband and 3 kids."

"Oh right. . . . .him." 

She sounded mad but I ain't here to go out with her, I ain't loosing my job cause of her. Anyway, class started and all the other kids walked in and I went on with my lessons.


It was lunchtime and I was in my classroom eating. I heard a knock on the door and I went to go and answer it. I was Alana there. Damn this girl won't quit.

"Um hey Alana what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to. . . .y'know, be with you."

"Look Alana your a pretty girl and everything but. . . . your too young for me and I don't wanna loose my job because of you."


"You heard me, I don't like you in that way, plus, I told you so many times I was gay."

"But you can't be gay!" she yelled. "YOU SHOULD LIKE GIRLS NOT MEN!"

"Says who?" I spat.

"ME!" she screamed. 

"You know what, can you leave please?" I asked.

"Fine I don't even like you anyway!" 

She stormed out the classroom and slammed the door. I shook my head and laughed. I didn't really care, I never liked her in that way. The rest of the school day was OK and I finally was able to go home.  I notice that Jacob nor the kids were here. . . .where did they go? I tried calling Jacob's phone but he's not answering me. Damn it I will not be ignored for ever Jacob. I knew where he could have gone, the park.


"Look daddy ma!" Alianna said to me as she slid down the slide. I smiled at her. My kids always makes me happy until I saw him. -____-


"What do you want Chres?" I asked annoyed.

"DADDY!" Alianna ran over to where wee were on the bench and gave Chres a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby, having fun?"

"Yes." she smiled that cute smile that I like so much.

"Well go ahead and pay I have to talk to daddy ma alone."

"I don't think so." I shot at him.

"Yes, we do," he said. "Look, I know what I did was wrong but you can't ignore me forever."

He was right. I have to. . . .talk to him.


"I wanna make it up to you."  I said taking his hands.

"I miss you. . . ." I sighed.

"Me too," he smirked. "How 'bout I take you out to the movie tonight?"

He nodded.

"I'd like that."

Yes! I got my baby back. . . .


Martin looks. . . . .nasty like he's sick what is going on? I looked at him as he groaned in pain and depression.

"I don't feel to well." 

He whined. He hasn't been looking to well. . . .the other night when we made up, I wanted to have 'relations' with him and make up but when I looked at his penis it was all swollen and it looked like it was hurting him. 0_o

"Baby, are you sure your OK?" I asked walking into the room.

"Y-Yeah I'm good, just. . .I need some rest."

"OK." I walked back out while taking one last look at him. Bitch! I know this nigga had to be fucking around and done caught something from some chick. I can't believe him. I will find that bitch, I will.. . . 

Sorry I took so long :)

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