Mystery Diagnosis

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OK, I'll admit it, it was wrong to have done what I did. There's something that happen while Martin was away....I was cheating on him with another man and turns out he wasn't clean. Now, I have Gonorrhea. It's a  contagious disease transmitted most often through sexual contact with an infected person and I was sadly with one of those people. I've had Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina, Lower abdominal and pelvic pain, burning when urinating,conjunctivitis's(red,itchy,eyes)Bleeding between periods and spotting after intercourse, Swelling of the vulva (vulvitis), Burning in the throat (due to oral sex),  and Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex). I think I may have passed it on to Martin and he's going to be soooo mad at me, he's never gonna wanna see me again. :( I was at home, wondering if I should tell him or not. Who am I kidding? I NEED to tell him! but how do I tell him? how will he reacted? will he leave me? idk! >__< it's killing me inside.....


"ONCE AND FOR ALL I WAS NOT WITH ANYONE!" I yelled. Adalyenn was still on this thing from the other night.

"Not until your honest with me." she said. She followed me all over the house.

"I AM being honest with you!" I yelled. "Damn women...."

"Damn women? Martin, I love you! what's with you? your being distant from me all of a sudden."

"Nothing's going on," I said. "I just be having some fun that's all.."

"Whatever..." she muttered and walked away from me.

"Now where you going?" I shouted after her.

"Now I'm going out, BYE!" she slammed the door and I sighed. This women. My cell phone rang and I saw it was Joyce calling me. I wonder what she wants.


"Um...hey, you have a minute?" she asked.

"Uh, sure is there something wrong?"



"I-I need you to come over." she said and hung up. This sounds serious. What if she found out about Adalyenn? I rushed over there and walked in the door. i saw Joyce on the couch crying.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked hugging her.

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