Chapter 15

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Anthony POV

"Tris, she has been missing for two hours." I say, pacing around the room.

"It's April. She has been around the Dauntless Compounds more than she has here. She could tell you exactly where any place in the compound is, but can't even tell you where the Movie stand in here is." she tells me.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Azaiah?" Beatrice says, her eyes going wide.

"Yes. Later. Is this Aprils number?" he asks me.

Since April left, he has been trying to find her, and protect her, the best he can.

I grab his phone and look at it.

"Yup thats hers." I tell him.

He walks out, and I follow him.

"She doesn't want to see you, or talk to you." he says.

I sigh, and I walk back into my apartment, to see if April comes back. I don't think she'll ever want to see me or Ivan again, because of how any times I have compared them, and told her to act like him.

Maybe she'll except Azaiah, because they're twins.

Hopefully I am right.

For once.

April POV

I sit under the rock in the chasm for a few hours, until I hear my name being called.

"April?" a distinct voice says. "April?"

I don't move, I barely even breathe.

"April. I know you're down here."

I step out, and I see Four, facing the railing.

"I know I'm not the one you want, but everybody in Dauntless is looking for you."

"Me? Who would look for me?"

"Everybody. From Azaiah and your parents, to Alex and Peter, to people you don't know."

He grabs my hand, and I flinch and pull it away.

"Sorry." he says. "Just trying to help. Christina told me to."

"Wait. Christina that tried to kill my mom?" I question.

"Yes. She wants to talk to you."

Not that long ago, Christina convinced Jeanine Mathews, to let her back into Dauntless, and now her and my mom are best friends.

I decide to just run out of the Chasm, leaving Four behind, who knows why she wants to see me. I never back down from a fight, but everybody has a first.

When I get to the cafeteria, I walk in, and see my brothers in the corner, talking, probably trying to get to know each other. As soon as they see me, they run to me, and engulf me in a hug.

"Ivan-Zaiah-Jai-get-off-of-me." I say in between breaths.

They don't budge.

"Ivory-Azaiah-Jeremiah-get-off-of-me." I say, using Ivan's nickname, and the others full names.

"I missed you." Jai says.

"Ivory dude?" Zaiah questions.

"It's a nickname she gave me, after I kept calling her 'Prilia." Ivan says.

He turns to me.

"I mi-" he starts to say.

"Don't talk to me." I tell him.

"April." I hear as I whipped my head around, to see Four standing behind me. "Speech."

"Are you sure you want to, wearing that?" Camden asks, as he walks by, eyeing my sports bra, and black jeans.

"Are you sure you want to ever talk again, looking like, that?" I ask him.

"April." Four mumbles under his breath.

"Fine Four." I tell him.

I stand up to one of the benches, and onto the table, with people still sitting and eating at it.

"Dauntless members." I scream. "Today we have new initiates, we accept them, and we forget the Divergent." I hesitate on the last part.

Everybody cheers and claps for me. I step down from the table, and I get flooded with high fives.

"Well I guess the idiot regained her strength." Alex says, from behind me.

"The fact that you just called me an idiot proves that you're not even smart enough for your brain to comprehend a more effective insult for me. Huh, I think that's why we broke up." I tell him.

Zaiah high fives me.

"Well....." he starts. "You're just a....."

He stops to think.

"Idiot. You're just an idiot." he says.

I roll my eyes.

"A limited vocabulary is a sigh of being a let down for your family." I tell him.

"I thought you were Dauntless not Erudite?" Cameron questions.

"Well the fact that, that was the first thing that came to mind, means you have smaller brain cells than most, leading to a limited vocabulary." I tell him.

"What book did you swallow?"

"Obviously one that you haven't read."

I hear a crowd of 'oooohhhhs' and 'burn' from behind me.

"Burn!" James yells, next to Cameron.

"What do you want James?" I ask.

"You just burned an adult, we need to tell everybody."

"Well I've burned you a thousand times, you didn't want anybody to know, so shut your ugly face."

He puts his hands up, mocking surrender.

"Wow. James Scose, afraid of a little girl." I say.

"You're terrifying." he tells me.

"That's my charm."

I flash him a fake smile.

After dinner we go back up to the training room, to start fighting.

My opponent is Augustus Lamel. He is a bit stronger than me, and also taller.

My father counts us off, and I start by punching him in the throat.

He gets my face, right above my eye. I stumble backwards. He is stronger than the last time we did this. He grabs my side, and starts punching. I am so worn out, I barely fight back.

I stand up, as if I am not in pain, making him stumble backwards. I punch him in the arm, and he punches the side of my head, making my ears ring.

He kicks me in the stomach, and I fall to the floor, hitting my head. I feel a pain stab my jaw, many times rapidly. Then I feel nothing, as if I am floating in air.

How did he beat me?

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