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Keith gulped, eyes trained on the ship as they neared. All the paladins sat in their lions, hovering near the castle-ship. Keith felt his fluffy ears press against the inside of his helmet. He cursed under his breath. "No, you can't be scared," he lectured himself.


Said paladin looked up to see Lance across his dash, a concerned look in his eyes. "Lance," Keith murmured, relaxing in his seat, though his ears remained large and furry. "What's the matter? You scared?"

Th blue paladin then snorted, an indignant expression flash across his face before he smirked. "I'll have you know that if I'm not scared of mama's chancla, I'm not scared of a measly Galran ship!"

"What's a chancla?"

"Sandal, Hunk. I've told you this a dozen times."

"Oh, yeah!"

Keith's lip quirked slightly in a smile as he listened to the legs of Voltron.

"Yo, Keith!" An image of Pidge flickered in front of him. "Ready to kick ass?"


"Sorry, not sorry, Shiro."

Keith bit back a laugh. "Let's do it." He jerked the levers back, then pushed them forward.

However, he couldn't shake the bad feeling.


Bad feelings were confirmed as drones shot at them from every angle, forcing them apart so they couldn't form Voltron.

"Pidge's team! Pull your lions back and infiltrate the ship!"

"Will do, sir Shiro!" Both Pidge and Lance teased, pulling their lions back and being followed by Keith.

Several minutes later, the three were tip-toeing through the ship, looking for information. Pidge had her wide eyes focused on the blue screen hovering above her left wrist, leading them through.

"How much further, Pidge?" Lance peeked around Keith to look at the younger paladin.

She groaned and dropped her head. "We're closer than we were when you asked two minutes ago."

Lance nodded. "Good. Makin' progress."

Keith rolled his eyes, keeping close to the girl. "Just shut up, Lance. We'll get there when we get there. If you keep talking, we could get caught and take even longer."

The blue paladin pouted, but didn't say anymore. Pidge's shoulders sagged in relief.

Another several minutes later, they made it to the archive room. Pidge's honey colored eyes lit up as she ran to the dash. "Keep an eye on the door! Don't let anyone in," she commanded, already typing away.

Lance and Keith stood shoulder-to-shoulder, facing the shut doors. Lance looked over at Keith a grinned. "This is cool, huh? 'Lance and Keith, neck and neck.'" Keith scoffed and rolled his eyes again as Lance quoted himself. However, the blue paladin thought it was genius. "'We do make a good team.' I said that, right?" Keith blushed and looked down, biting his lip. "I was right. We're a pretty great team." He grinned and leaned over, pressing a kiss to Keith's cheek.

"Ugh," Pidge groaned, hitting her head. "Get a room, you two!" She glared at them, but a playful glint glimmered in her eyes. "I'm glad you two are finally together, but stop sucking face while we're on a mission."

Lance laughed, but Keith looked away. Lance hummed as swayed, listening for any oncoming enemies.

Keith glanced down either side of the hallway, then turned back to Pidge. "Is it downloading?"

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