The fans find out about you

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Jared was in the recording room with Shannon and Tomo and you were in the bedroom listening to music and drawing and your phone buzzed it was a text from Y/B/F/N the text read "Y/N you need to see this" followed by a link and you clicked it which took you to Instagram and there in front of you was a picture of you and Jared shopping captioned 'Jared Leto spotted with possible girlfriend'  "shit!" you shout aloud dropping your phone and sprinting downstairs to the recording room and you frantically tapped the glass to get Jared's attention. He looks up and you wave in a come here motion and he opens the door "what's wrong?" he asks confused and you grab his arm "come with me right now" you drag him up the stairs "what's going on?" he asks getting concerned "you need to see this" you say picking up your phone to show him, he glances down at the phone "oh shit" he says rubbing his head "that's exactly what i said... how did this happen we were careful for 2 years!" you say pacing back and forth. "have you read the comments?" "no i panicked when i saw the picture and came to get you straight away.. what do they say?" you ask still pacing "are they dating? ew who is she? i ship it i don't think they are dating another are they dating, i don't ship it shes ugly another ew, no no no this is cute she is pretty.. he's a grow man he can date who he wants another i ship it" he says while scrolling through the comments, "fuck fuck fuck!" you say stomping your foot on the floor and Jared comes to comfort you "don't worry" he says hugging you "don't worry?... don't worry your fans are going to eat me alive what are we gonna do?" you say holding your head in your hands. "well it has been 2 years.. maybe it's about time they knew about you" he says taking your hands away from your face "did you not read some of those comments? they would hate that" you say looking down at the floor "some might but if i know the Echelon they will love you just as much as i do they are good people" he says lifting up your head "fine, i guess i knew this day would come at some point" you slightly smile "come here" Jared pulls you down to sit on the bed and he takes a picture with you and opens up Instagram on his phone and uploading the picture captioned "you guy's have probably heard by now but this is Y/N and yes she is my girlfriend, she is a very special person and i love her so much and i know you will all welcome her with open arms -Jared" you hold your breath as he posts it "there" he holds onto your hand ans goes to kiss you but his notifications begin going crazy with loads of likes and comments. You bite your nails "what do they say?" you ask fearing the worst "uh let me see.. Happy for you Jared, she is so pretty.. oh my god i knew it congrats they are so cute together, i hope she makes you happy.... i was waiting for conformation on this congrats, if you love her we love her welcome to the Echelon Y/N" he places his phone down "see nothing to worry about i can't promise they will all be so nice as we are all just human but i love you so don't worry" he smiles "i love you too jay" you kiss him softly.

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