Sun sea and kisses

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Song: spring time stroll-secret crates

It was the first day of summer, you lay in bed snoozing away before you get woken up by Jared pulling open the curtains. "wake up sleeping beauty" he says clapping his hands and you wince at the sudden beam of light... "what the fuck are you playing at" you croak covering your eyes with your arm and he chuckles, "it's a beautiful day let's make the most of it" and you groan "fine" you huff and slide out of bed yawning and scratching your head. Jared walks over to you and kisses your forehead "cheer up we're going to the beach" and you hymn in response and Jared laughs and shakes his head... "you could be a bit more enthusiastic" and you nod "after coffee" you yawn and pad down to the kitchen to make coffee while Jared packs the bags ready for the beach. "there we are all ready.. has your coffee kicked in yet grumpy" he laughs setting the bags down and you nod while laughing and he smiles "well let's go"

You make it to the beach and it was still fairly early so there weren't many people there, just the way you like it.. "by here is good" Jared says setting the bags down and you lay out the beach towels plonking your bum down and sun bathing. "i do love LA weather" you say feeling the hot sun dance on your skin "don't you wanna make sand castles Y/N?" Jared chuckles before laying down with you.. "do you ever miss home?" Jared asks laying on his side to face you "of course but i also love being here with you.. why?" you ask confused, "ah just wondering that's all... Last one into the water is a big fat looser" he yells before running off "hey!" you yell running after him and pushing him into the sea but he grabs your arm and pulls you down with him. You both burst into laughter before splashing one and other with the water "truce truce!" Jared shouts before splashing you one more time and you yell out in shock, "i love you Y/N" he smiles "ditto" you grin and he pulls you in close picking you up and kissing you before dropping you down into the sea.. "fucker!" you yell with a laugh "i always knew i made you wet" he winks and laughs and you roll your eyes. "come on let's go get dried off" he smiles and holds out his hand, you take his hand gently before pulling him down into the water face first laughing hysterically... Jared stands up and spits out some water "okay i deserved that" he laughs before wrapping his arm around you and you both made your way back to the towels.

You both flop back down on your beach towels and Jared dips into the bag and get's you a drink out, "i could listen to the waves all day" you sigh relaxed and Jared smiles "we don't have to rush home.. although i am a tad hungry" and you nod before going into your bag and pull out an avocado sandwich and hand it to him. He gives you a strange look while taking it.. "what?" you ask confused "do you just carry food with you everywhere" and you laugh "yes, i like food" you roll your eyes and he shakes his head laughing before tucking into the sandwich and you go back to sunbathing. as time went on more people left the beach leaving just you and Jared and another couple on the far end of the beach.. "do you think they would mind if we put some music on" He asks signaling towards the other couple and you shake your head "they probably wouldn't hear it from over there.. and if they can fuck them" and Jared nods before playing some music and you smile at him.

It was getting later and later and it got a tad chilly, "are you cold baby?" Jared asks rubbing your back.. "a little" Jared grabs his jacket and wraps it around you and pulls you into him, you lean against him watching the dim light flickering off the sea; "picture?" Jared asks and you nod while he grabs his phone both of you posing for a picture "awe that's a nice one" he says before kissing your forehead and you chuckle still leaning against him... "are you okay twinkle? you're very quiet" he asks concerned and you nod "i'm just so relaxed and he nods "i see" he holds you closer "can we just stay here all night" you say with a sigh. "well we could...or.." jared says "or what?" you question, "or we could go and get pizza" he grins and you shoot up onto your feet "what the fuck are we doing waiting around here come on let's go get pizza" you pull on his arm. "okay okay i'm coming" he laughs before getting up and gathering the things and you head back to the car to get pizza.

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