I'm not a child

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Song: breezeblocks- alt-J because i'm obsessed with it

I have to work though baby" And you sigh down the the phone "i know i just miss you" was all you could say while bringing one of his shirts close to your chest. "I miss you too but i'll be back before you know it" and you nod not that he could see you... "i'll probably just go on a girls night with Y/B/F/N" "the hell you will" Jared yells. "Excuse me?!" You snap back "you're not going out with Y/B/F/N not while i'm gone" he says with an attitude, "i am (your age) jared you don't get to tell me what i can and can't do" you say with your voice slightly raised "Y/N" jared calls out before you hang up.

-time skip-

"I mean who the hell does he think he is? Telling me i can't go out when he's not here.. fuck!" You rant to Y/B/F/N slightly slurring your words. "He's your boyfriend Y/N" "exactly! Boyfriend not my father.. i'll take another please" you say to the bartender slamming some money on the bar, "maybe you've had enough" Y/B/F/N says; "don't you start! Everyone treating me like a damn child" you slur while you get off the bar stool and head outside where you pull out your phone and dial jared. "Hey it's the one and only jared fucking leto!" You yell drunkly down the phone, "Y/N you're drunk did you defy me and go out?!" He says slightly annoyed and you snicker "defy you?! Defy you.. listen cupcake i am my own person okay?" You say with a slight burp. "Jesus christ" he mumbles down the phone "jesus ain't here darling it's just me" you say sarcastically, "what has gotten into you Y/N" "nothing jared nothing, i'm just a happy camper!"... "this is why i didn't want you going out you're never like this when i'm there" he says with a sigh. "Well you're not here are you!" You yell with a slight voice crack "i fucking miss you! You should be here and your not" you continue. "Is that what this is about? Y/N you can't get shit faced every time i'm gone" "i can and i will" you snap at him "fine you know what go drink yourself stupid i can't talk to you when your like this" he yells before hanging up. "Fuck!! You scream into the darkness before sitting down on the floor.

-time skip-

You wake up in your bed you can't remember how you got there until you found a note on your bedside table. 'Y/N found you passed out outside the club so i brought you home will drop your spare keys off later- Y/B/F/N x' you brought your head in your hands having flash backs of the argument between you and jared flash through your mind. Letting out a sound of frustration before getting out of bed to make some coffee, you sat in silence with your coffee when you heard the front door opening.. must be Y/B/F/N with your keys so you carry on drinking your coffee you hear foot steps come towards you and you look up to see jared's blue eyes. He drops his bag on the floor still looking at you, you fly up from your seat and jump into his arms wrapping your arms and legs around him.. he squeezes you tightly as you both repeat "i'm sorry" over and over again and you kiss every inch of his face before he puts you back on your feet. "Y/N i'm sorry i should never have told you what to do like that" he says brushing his hand on your cheek.. "no i'm sorry i should have listened but i'm never drinking again" you say with a slight chuckle and he pulls you into him "i just wanna look after you at all times" he whispers while stroking your hair. "I know" you whisper back while basking in his touch, "Y/N?" "Yeah?" You look up at him "you stink of vodka" he says with a smile and you chuckle "yeah i haven't showered yet" you admit and he picks you up and begins taking you upstairs. "Where are we going?" You ask giggling, "for a shower" he replies before lightly smacking your bum.

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