Road trip pt 2

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We had our smores and the guys got into their tents and were fast asleep, You and Y/B/F/N sat around the fire chatting and reminiscing on growing up as you had been best friends since you were 3 years old "hey what do you say about getting our revenge now" Y/B/F/N says while evilly rubbing her hands together. "uh sure" you chuckle "but how?" "i'll go hide behind the car you whip out your best acting skills and tell the guys that we heard sounds coming from the woods and i went to check it out" Y/B/F/N says while grinning at you and you nod "okay i got this" you say before turning on the fake tears "wow you're really good at that" "thanks" you grin and she goes and hides and you march over to yours and Jared's tent first "Jared Jared wake up" you say frantically shaking him and he shoots up from his sleeping bag "babe what is it whats wrong?" "it's Y/B/F/N we heard a noise in the woods and she went to go and look and then i heard a scream and she hasn't come back". "oh shit" he exclaims before leaping up and waking Shannon up "shan quick it's Y/B/F/N she's in danger come on" you see Y/B/F/N popping her head out from behind the car giving you a thumbs up as you both watch the guys run towards the trees and she gets up from behind the car, "isn't it a bit cruel to let them go into the woods in pitch black with just one flash light?" you say scratching the back of your head "nah they're big boys i'm sure they will be fine" Y/B/F/N smiles at you and you both hear Jared shouting and both your hearts drop "what was that?" Y/B/F/N asks "that was Jared.." you say voice shaken. "what do we do?" Y/B/F/N asks panicking "i don't know shit shit shit.. i knew this was a bad idea" you say lightly hitting yourself in the forehead "call his phone!" Y/B/F/N yells "good idea!" you pull your phone out of your pocket and call Jared and his phone rings behind you "he's left it in the fucking tent!" you say beginning to panic more. "shit! i'll try Shannon" Y/B/F/N says while pulling out her phone and calling Shannon but again the phone rings from the tent behind you and then you hear Shannon yell causing both you and Y/B/F/N to squeal and grab onto each other "Y/N what if the story Jared told was true?" Y/B/F/N says " oh fuck oh shit oh Jesus we've killed our boyfriends!" you say to Y/B/F/N. You hear foot steps coming from behind you "Jared?" you call out but no one answered "Shannon?" Y/B/F/N says to again no answer "well we're fucked" you say still clinging onto her "wait they have stopped" she says letting you go before someone grabs you and her from behind and you both let out a blood curdling scream and try to fight your way out of their hands. Jared and Shannon fall to the ground laughing and you and Y/B/F/N spin around in unison "you complete assholes!" she says before kicking Shannon in the leg "really?" you say looking down at Jared and they both continued to laugh, Shannon imitated your screams causing him to laugh harder "it's not funny" Y/B/F/N says and Jared catches his breath and gets up "i'm sorry baby but did you really think we would be stupid enough to fall for that story? we know you nor Y/B/F/N wouldn't walk into the woods to investigate a noise" he wraps his arms around you Shannon has finally stopped laughing "we almost had a heart attack" Y/B/F/N says while helping Shannon get up. "no more pranks" Jared says smiling "yeah we promise" Shannon continues "fine" Y/B/F/N says crossing her arms "group hug!" Shannon shouts before pulling you all in for a hug and you all laugh at Jared's grossed out face while Shannon hugs him "come on man, hug your brother" which causes Jared's face to go even more grossed out which made you and Y/B/F/N laugh more "i love you crazy assholes" you say before you all head into your tents to get some sleep after a bizarre night.

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