I don't belong here

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Song: cars clothes, calories- blackbear but i don't know why

"Y/N are you ready" Jared calls from the bottom of the stairs, you take one last look in the mirror and take a deep breath before making your way down the stairs. Today Jared was attending a Gucci launch party and it was your first time attending with him and let's face it you weren't good with crowds at the best of times never mind a crowd full of talented people models and well fancy shmancy people you were going to stick out like a sore thumb but well.. you loved Jared. "does this look ok?" you ask Jared feeling insecure "baby you look beautiful" he reassures you while stroking your cheek and you both make your way to the car... You pull up outside the venue and your stomach was in knots "i can do this i can do this" you kept saying to yourself over and over again in your head before you were brought out of it by Jared opening the car door for you and you shoot him a fake smile. "m'lady" Jared smiles while holding out his hand for you and you take hold of it tightly, You both enter the venue being greeted by so many people you feel your knees tremble as you see all the glamours people conversing with each other.. you felt like such a plain Jane. "champagne?" a swarve waiter asks you and Jared, "no thank you i'm driving" Jared happily declines but you took one and downed it as quick as you could before grabbing another and Jared glares at you... "what? it's free" you whisper to him and he lets out a small chuckle. "oh Y/N come here i want you to me Alessando" Jared says while pulling you towards the tall long haired man, "Alessando this is Y/N my girlfriend" He introduces you with a big smile on his face "hi" you say quietly while shaking his hand. Everyone started talking with one and other and you just stood next to Jared like a puppy you were so out of place, everyone was decked out in Gucci and you were wearing some non named brand dress you found online... "Excuse me a moment" you said before sprinting for the door grabbing some vodka on the way out. You open the vodka and put the bottle to your lips as your phone buzzes, "where did you go? - j x" you sigh putting your phone away and chugging on the vodka no one would notice if you didn't go back anyway you think to yourself while sitting down on the hard concrete. After finishing the bottle you toss it to the side and flinch at the smashing sound, swaying back and forth and through blurred vision you see a pair of shiny shoes in front of you "Y/N how have you got yourself in this state" Jared says un amused while bending down in front of you... "why didn't you come back inside?" "i..i don't belong in there" you say shaking your head "what do you mean you don't belong in there?" Jared asks confused "look at them!" you say pointing towards the door "and then look at me". Jared puts his hand under your chin and lifts your head up "i'm looking at you.. and all i see is a beautiful woman inside and out, a woman that i love" you go rouge "you're so sweet" you smile while running your drunken hand down his face sloppily before your eyes widen.. "Y/N are you ok?" Jared asks before you vomit to the side of you... "i think that's our cue to leave" Jared chuckles before picking you up and placing you in the car and rolling you're window down a tad for the fresh air to hit you. You get back home and Jared places you on the couch and makes you a cup of coffee, "here drink this, it will help you sober up" and you nod and sip the coffee as Jared sits next to you putting his arm around you and you nuzzle into him and he strokes your hair. "you did belong in that party" He speaks up looking down at you, "Jared i didn't i felt so out of place" you shake your head.. "you did belong... because i was there" he smiles and you look up confused "what?" you raise a brow "well you belong with me so where ever i am you belong there too and vise versa" he nods... "you are so full of cheese Leto you know that?" you chuckle and he shrugs before you cover your mouth trying not to be sick and Jared runs to get a bucket for you.

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