I wrap my hands around your neck with love

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Song: beautiful light- uppermost no idea why though

"Y/N get up" Jared whispers gently, Y/N" he shakes your shoulder.. "fuck off Jared" you say curling into a ball. "We're going to miss our flight" he sighs; "it's 5 am, remember not a morning person.. why can't you do the gucci thing by yourself" you say muffled under the covers. "because.. because i just want you there babes come on get up" he pleads.. You huff and get out of bed mumbling to yourself and Jared laughs quietly while you pad your tired self to the kitchen and turn on the coffee machine. You make your coffee and sit on the breakfast stool laying your head down on the counter your eyes falling heavy, Jared drops the luggage down on the floor and you jump awake.. "i'm up i'm up!" you exclaim before slouching down in the stool. "Y/N why aren't you ready yet?" Jared pouts folding his arms; "me, not a morning person... coffee" you lift your mug up and Jared couldn't help but smile at you "baby please move that sweet ass of yours we can't be late" "yeah yeah yeah i'm going" you wave at him and drag yourself to the bedroom to make yourself look at least half human; god you were so tired. After getting dressed and looking some what more presentable you toddle down stairs where Jared was waiting for you, "okay i'm ready" you say still groggy and he smiles at you... "great lets go" Jared holds his arm out for you and you link with it and head to the car ready for the air port.

-Time skip-

You both board the plane settling into your seats and you immediately close your eyes, "pairs here we come!" Jared says shaking you excitingly "sureeee" you reply... "oh come on grumpy aren't you excited". "no" you bite "i'm tired.. that's what i am" and Jared chuckles pulling you into him and stroking your hair and you drift off to sleep. "would you like a drink m'am" you get woken up by a stewardess; "no thank you" you say quickly and she walks off "fucking bitch" you mumble to yourself, Jared sits back down next to you.. "where have you been?" you raise your brow. "Toilet" he smiles and you nod and sit up and stretch.. "how long until we land?" you ask while yawning "uhh about 30 minuets" Jared grins and you nod.

-time skip-

"Jared can you carry me" you whine, "babe our hotel is right here" he points and chuckles and you screw your nose up and follow him into the hotel... "206 this is us" Jared exclaims while opening the door and you flop straight onto the bed letting out a big sigh watching Jared walk around the room making sure everything is as it should be. "looks good to me" he nods and sits in the chair you still looking at him... "what?" he asks confused, "i'm hungry" you pout "do you ever stop complaining?" he smiles and you pull a thinking face.... "nope" you say back with a grin. "well if you can wait another hour we have dinner plans" Jared says while getting up to unpack the things "how? we have only just got here" you say confused.. "ah now that would be revealing my secrets" Jared says with a wink.

-Time skip-

"Y/N come on honey you have been getting ready for ages" Jared says tapping his foot impatiently, "okay okay i'm ready jeez" you say rolling your eyes and opening the bathroom door. Jared let's out a big grin and takes hold of your hand "vous êtes belle" he kisses your hand gently. "ok let's so i'm so hungry".. He rolls his eyes at you and chuckles before you both walk from the hotel, "where are we going?" you ask hooking onto his arm slightly leaning your head against him; "to the lake" "lake?!" you ask confused "how am i going to eat at a lake". "will you just trust me for once in your life" Jared says with a smile, You make it to the lake and you are taken a back there were lights everywhere reflecting in the lake you could see the Eiffel tower in the background and there was a red picnic blanket laid out on the green grass with a picnic basket, you beamed with happiness... "all this for me?" you look up to Jared "of course" he brushes your cheek with his hand and you both sit down helping yourselves to some food. You take in the scenery, "it's so beautiful" you say looking up at the sky.. "just like you" Jared says while staring at you and you blush and he smiles. "is there any food left?" you say laughing "jesus woman" Jared smiles and hands you some strawberries; you take one and hold it to his lips and he takes a bite and then you take a bite, you both smile at each other... You chat for a while and it begins to get dark and you both lay down on the picnic blanket looking at the stars, "do you know any of the thingy's?" you ask looking across to him "thingy's?" he asks confused; "yeah you know the thingy's" "you mean the constellations"... "yeah those thingy's" "sure i do" Jared smiles, "really?", "no" he laughs and you lightly tap his shoulder. He wraps his arm around you tightly and kisses your forehead and you look up at him placing your lips against his and he kisses you softly while cupping your cheek.. you both pull away and he smiles at you "it's disgusting how much i love you" He strokes your cheek "ditto" you smile and he holds you close.

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