Chapter 4

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Jen's POV

Colin and I were about to... make tacos? When suddenly the alarm went off. After a few minutes of panic it appeared that there was nothing wrong. Just someone smoking inside, where it was not allowed. I was relieved but we were kind of out of our concentration? Maybe it was a good thing because I'm sure I would have regretted it the next morning. Maybe faith was on our side.

'Colin, can we go home now? I'm not in the mood anymore.' I said.

'Sure love, maybe we should just take a cab? I don't think any of us is allowed to drive in this state.' He smirked. 'I can stay with you if you want but we should take Buckley first, he's probably hungry. Especially after the enjoyable activities with Ava!'


When we arrived at my place after we got Buckley I was shocked. The door was open and I'm sure I locked it. I gave Colin a worried look.

'Can you go inside I asked? I'm scared.' My hands were shaking. 'You have to get Ava out!'

Colin went inside my house while Buckley stayed with me. Somehow that made me feel safe, alone in the night.

'I can't find Ava!' Colin shouted from inside the house.

Oh shit! Not Ava she is my everything. I started crying and Colin appeared in the door post with a worried look on his face. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I started sobbing in the crook of his neck.

'I- I can't lose her!' I cried. 'Where is she? We have to find her!'

'Does she have a chip? Maybe the vet knows where she is.' Colin said trying to comfort me a bit.

I pulled away from our hug and started walking to the car but Colin grabbed my wrist.

'Love, it's midnight we should wait till morning. We can't do anything right now.' He said.


'Of course I care love but you need to calm down.' He said calmly. He wrapped his arms around me once more. I wanted to pull away but I just couldn't bear it instead I wrapped myself around him tighter.

'Okay, but tomorrow morning we go to the vet immediately, understood?' I said strictly.

'Sure love, let's go to bed.' He said.


'I can't sleep.' I whisper.

'Come here love I'll hold you.' He said pulling me to him and holding me tight. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a small kiss. 'You know we will find her, right? We will always find her.' And with that we fell asleep tightly wrapped in each others arms.

Colin's POV

We are on our way to the vet. We brought Buckley with us because we thought maybe he could smell her or something. When we arrived Jen was still quite.

'Are you okay, love?' I asked concerned. She just lightly nodded I knew it was not true but I let it be for the moment. I got Buckley from the back of the car, grabbed Jen's hand and we walked inside.

'Can I help you?' The vet assistant asked.

'We lost her dog.' I said. 'Last night when we got home she was gone.'

'I'll see if I can track her chip, the vet is not here at the moment.'

The assistant typed some things on her computer and turned back to us with a confused look on her face.

'It says your dog is inside this building.' She said. 'I don't now how that's possible but you can come with me to the back if you want?'

We nodded and followed her to a door in the back of the building. We heard weird sounds from the inside. When the assistant opened the door we couldn't believe what we saw.

Hahahahahaha okay that was weird. What do you guys think is happening? You'll find out next chapter! Please vote and comment your thoughts!

There is some more fluff (and smut) coming up so be prepared.

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